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Photo of Student award winners with some of the donors' friends and loved-ones.

Law students who received scholarships and bursaries this year got to meet donors and loved-ones of late alumni in whose names many of the awards were established.

Passing the Torch

Student Achievement Awards Reception an opportunity for Donors and Students to engage

December 11, 2023 — 

The Faculty of Law honoured the lives and legacies of alumni and members of the Manitoba legal community at its annual Student Achievement Awards reception November 1, 2023. The Faculty welcomed families and friends of donors and loved ones in whose names awards were established, to meet face-to-face, the students who would be receiving the meaningful support intended to help them complete their degrees.

This kind of reception is not new to the Faculty of Law. The annual Pitblado Scholars Reception hosted by the Faculty of Law each fall, has had Jim and Sandra Pitblado meeting up with each and every Dean’s Honour Roll student for the past 21 years to present each with a Pitblado Scholarship.

Despite the chill November air, emotion ran warmly through the Robson Hall Common Room as award presenters shared memories of their loved-ones’ lives, or excitedly met recipients starting their legal careers. Each award was connected in some way to someone who had made significant contributions to the legal practice or legal research for the betterment of people’s lives.

Dr. Tracey Peter, Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) brought greetings from the University of Manitoba President’s office and The Honourable Renée Cable, newly minted Minister of Advanced Education and Training, represented the Manitoba Government. The Faculty’s legal community partners were represented by Jason Gisser, President, Manitoba Bar Association, Michelle Falk, Executive Director, Manitoba Bar Association, and Leah Kosokowsky, C.E.O., Law Society of Manitoba. The Honourable Ryan Rolston, Chief Judge of the Provincial Court represented the judiciary, along with recently appointed Provincial Court judge and former Associate Professor, The Honourable Judge David Ireland, who was also present to celebrate the achievements of his former students.

“With deepest thanks and earnest gratitude, we welcome our donors who are here tonight in person to witness the fruits of their labours as we celebrate our hard-working students who have earned scholarships, awards and fellowships made possible by these remarkable people,” said Dr. Richard Jochelson, Dean of Law in his welcoming remarks. “It is truly heart-warming and inspiring to see donors meeting and encouraging the students receiving their awards.”

Mark Joyal, a Classics professor at the University of Manitoba presented the Ken Tacium memorial award in honour of his long-time friend, which is presented annually as an entrance award to law students who have overcome significant obstacles. The award honours Tacium’s own determination in achieving his LLB in 1985 despite a spinal cord injury. Tacium died in 2012 at age 54, and was a senior partner with Tacium, Vincent and Orlikow, attorneys-at-law. Joyal explained his friend was known for selflessness and dedication to clients, and volunteered for charities that helped people with disabilities, children and animals. The two winners of the award this year were AubrieAnn Schettler and Austin Lees.

The family of Darius Maharaj-Hunter (left to right): David Hunter (father), Anjanie Maharaj-Hunter (mother), Delyar Khaleh (wife), Tamir Maharaj (cousin).

The family of Darius Maharaj-Hunter (left to right): David Hunter (father), Anjanie Maharaj-Hunter (mother), Delyar Khaleh (wife), Tamir Maharaj (cousin).

For the first time, the newly-established Darius Hunter Memorial Award was presented to third-year law student Seth Lozinski (they/them) by Delyar Khaleh, wife of the late Robson Hall graduate, Darius Maharaj-Hunter. Hunter, who graduated with his JD in 2021 died at age 25 when he was just embarking on his legal career.

Khaleh was accompanied by Hunter’s father David Hunter, mother Anjanie Maharaj-Hunter, and first-cousin Tamir Maharaj. After attending the event, Khaleh said, “The Darius Maharaj Hunter Memorial Scholarship was established with the purpose to empower and support law students who have demonstrated a spirit for leadership and community engagement, and a desire to carry this forward in their education and practice. We were pleased to meet and celebrate our first recipient of this award – Seth Lozinski, as well as connect over Darius’ passions and pursuits, and his continued legacy in the legal community.”

More information on the Darius Hunter Award can be found on the University of Manitoba website.

Faculty of Law alum Morton H. Nemy's grandson David (left) and son Wayne (right) share the legacy of the well-respected Winnipeg lawyer in whose name the family established an Entrance Scholarship.

Faculty of Law alum Morton H. Nemy’s grandson David (left) and son Wayne (right) share the legacy of the well-respected Winnipeg lawyer in whose name the family established an Entrance Scholarship.

The Morton H. Nemy Entrance Scholarship presentation was also a family affair this year when the both the son and grandson of the late Dr. Morton H. Nemy, a prominent lawyer and community leader in Winnipeg, presented the award to Tess Poulton. Third-year law student David Nemy, a member of the L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic team, supported his father Wayne who shared the story of his own father’s legacy. Morton H. Nemy graduated from the Manitoba Law School in 1956, as it was then called, and died in 2006 after practicing law for over 50 years.

Muriel St. John was pleased to meet her award recipient, Sawarn Benning in-person this year.

Muriel St. John was pleased to meet her award recipient, Sawarn Benning in-person this year.

Meeting the student recipients of her award is nothing new to retired E.K. Williams Law Librarian Muriel St. John who, before the pandemic, had established a practice of reading the winning research paper and hosting a lunch at her home for the winners of the Muriel St. John Research Award for Women’s Legal Issues.The purpose of the award is to encourage research into legal issues pertaining to women, social justice, and societal rights. 

Looking forward to reading the winning paper of third-year law student Sawarn Benning, St. John said, “I love to meet with the students who have won my award; however this has not happened since the pandemic. So, it was wonderful this year to meet my award winner at the Awards Reception sponsored by the Law School.”

Left to right: Sandra Secter, Master of Human Rights student Priscila Alves, and Harvey Secter, CM, OM.

Left to right: Sandra Secter, Master of Human Rights student Priscila Alves, and Harvey Secter, CM, OM.

Former Chancellor of the University of Manitoba and former Dean of Law Harvey Secter, CM, OM [BComm/1967, LLB/1992] and Sandra Secter were in attendance to present Master of Human Rights program students with the Harvey and Sandra Secter Master of Human Rights Fellowship Awards. Student recipients were Trixie Maybituin, Priscila Alves, and Wendy Ochola.

The full list of awards presented were:

Susan Loadman Memorial Award, presented by her sister Mary Fultz and niece Megan Fultz. Presented to a student who has persevered in their legal studies despite significant obstacles to their progress.

  • Matt Reimer

Darius Maharaj Hunter Memorial Scholarship, presented by the Maharaj-Hunter family, to a student who has demonstrated a spirit for leadership and community engagement, and a desire to carry this forward in their education and practice.

  • Seth Lozinski

Ken Tacium Memorial Scholarships, presented by Dr. Mark Joyal, long-time friend of the late Ken Tacium, to law students who have overcome significant obstacles honoring Ken Tacium’s own determination in achieving his LL.B. despite a spinal cord injury.

  • AubrieAnn Schettler
  • Austin Lees

Morton H. Nemy Entrance Scholarship, presented by son Wayne Nemy and grandson David Nemy.

  • Tess Poulton

Muriel St. John Research Award for Women’s Legal Issues, presented by Muriel St. John, former Research Librarian at the E.K. Williams Law Library.

  • Sawarn Benning

Taylor McCaffrey LLP Entrance Award, presented by Kevin Williams, K.C., Managing Partner [Bcomm (Hons)/1985; LLB/1989].

  • Abigail Clarke
  • Dena Aminzadeh
  • Tesia Romaniw

Pitblado LLP Entrance Award, presented by Don MacDonald [LLB/1983].

  • Joshua Dondo


Associate Dean (Academic) Dr. Jennifer Schulz [BA/1991; LLB/1994] presented the following undergraduate awards to Juris Doctor students:

Alex Brown Entrance Scholarship in Law

  • Kaitlyn Clarke

Max Steinkopf Entrance Scholarship

  • Emily Dueck
  • Marianna Pozdirca

Maitland Steinkopf Entrance Award

  • James Cheng
  • Jayden Kyryluk

Dean’s List Academic Award

  • Tobey Xiang
  • Nicholas Ly

Manitoba Law School Foundation Entrance Scholarship

  • Elizabeth Walker

Patricia N. and Mark G. Smerchanski Law Entrance Scholarship

  • Gilad Stitz

D’Arcy & Deacon LLP Entrance Scholarship

  • Brennan Carlson

John Mitchell Scholarship

  • Tréchelle Bunn

EJ McMurray Trust Fund Entrance Award

  • Sarah Shuttleworth
  • Chloe Dreilich-Girard
  • Kaedyn Lashley

Ahava Halpern and Frank Lavitt Entrance Scholarship for Law

  • Talia Taras

JSD Tory Writing Award

  • Lou Lamari

Borden Ladner Gervais Professional Excellence Award

  • Laraib Khaliqdina

Regina Novek Prize

  • Justin Papoff

David Sowemimo Law Entrance Scholarship

  • Stefan Lewis


Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) Dr. Donn Short presented a series of Fellowships to Master of Laws students:

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship

  • Lovelyn Osiele

Adalsteinn (Steini) Fridrikson Kristjansson Graduate Fellowship

  • Xiaobing Li

Samuel Freedman Graduate Fellowship

  • Xiaobing Li

Bernard B. Dubienski and Amy E. Dubienski Memorial Scholarship

  • Larry Munir

Right Honourable Brian Dickson Graduate Fellowship

  • Larry Munir

Trevor Anderson Fellowship

  • Larry Munir

David T. Sgayias Graduate Fellowship

  • Chiamaka Ilozue


Director of Master of Human Rights Program Dr. Kjell Anderson presented the University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships:

  • Piaroa Nuñez
  • Kyra Campbell
  • Dannielle Morrisseau


Harvey and Sandra Secter presented the Harvey and Sandra Secter Master of Human Rights Fellowship Awards:

  • Trixie Maybituin
  • Priscila Alves
  • Wendy Ochola
  • Nabil Iqbal

Creating a bursary, fellowship, prize or scholarship is one of the most meaning ways to make a positive impact in students’ lives. By establishing an endowment or annually funded award, you can join thousands of donors in celebrating students’ achievements and removing financial barriers to education.

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