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NY Times: Ex-Associate of Pharmacists in Al Jazeera Report Assists Doping Inquiry

February 1, 2016 — 

As the New York Times reports:

A prominent sports chiropractor who works for the Seattle Seahawks and has treated Olympic athletes from Canada and Britain is cooperating with Canadian antidoping officials in the wake of an Al Jazeera report that explored a network of people who claimed to have provided performance-enhancing drugs to professional athletes.


…[The World Anti-Doping Agency], though, has focused its efforts primarily on educating athletes, coaches, doctors and trainers, not naturopaths, according to Sarah Teetzel, an associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Manitoba. This has provided an avenue for those distributing banned substances to reach athletes, she said.

“Naturopaths haven’t really been part of the conversation of doping development,” she said. “A team doctor knows if they are found to have supplied an athlete, there are consequences. Traditionally, naturopaths haven’t been part of it.”

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