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Nominations for Support Staff Assessor, Alternate Assessor, BOG

April 8, 2019 — 

Nominations are being sought for a Support Staff Assessor and an Alternate Assessor on the Board of Governors, each for a two year term commencing on June 1, 2019 and ending on May 31, 2021.

The position of Support Staff Assessor was created to enable the Board of Governors to benefit from a support staff perspective during its meetings.  The Assessor attends meetings of the Board and its Executive Committee.  The Assessor has the same rights and obligations as a member of the Board and the Executive Committee, except that an Assessor may not make or amend motions, or vote.

All full-time support staff are eligible to be elected and to vote, and will be sent a nomination form and information regarding the position and the election process.  The nomination form must be signed by five support staff members and by the nominee to signify his/her acceptance of the nomination, and returned to the Office of the University Secretary, 312 Administration Building, by 12:00 noon on Friday, April 26, 2019.

Ballots will be mailed to all full-time support staff members on Friday, May 3 with the deadline for receipt of ballots being 12:00 noon on Friday, May 17, 2019.  Ballots will be counted and the results announced on May 21.  The Assessor will be the nominee who receives the highest number of votes.  The Alternate Assessor will be the nominee who receives the second highest number of votes.

See here for additional information regarding the Board of Governors, the role of the Support Staff Assessor, and for an electronic, form-fillable version of the nomination form.


For more information, please contact:


Sandi Utsunomiya

Governance Systems Coordinator

Office of the University Secretary


Phone:  204-474-8174

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