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Herd of cattle in pasture

New website a valuable resource on livestock production research

November 25, 2022 — 

The National Centre for Livestock and the Environment (NCLE) at the University of Manitoba has launched a new website that puts a wealth of information at the fingertips of the producers, researchers and other industry stakeholders. 

NCLE has been active for over a decade and is a unique community of researchers, educators and students who engage in multi-disciplinary, multi-agency research focused on building a more sustainable future for the Canadian livestock sector.

The new site offers researchers, students, industry, governments and consumers access to an extensive library of research projects and resources examining the role of Canadian livestock production systems as an integral component of an adaptive and enduring food system in Canada.

“We are excited to launch our new website.  It provides easy access to a comprehensive body of work conducted by NCLE researchers — from practical and effective sustainable agriculture management practices to leveraging big data for a better understand of our agroecosystems as well as  solutions to improve animal health and management” says Dr. Kim Ominski, Director of NCLE, Professor and Acting Head at the Department of Animal Science at the University of Manitoba.

The website provides detailed information in three segments that are at the heart of NCLE. These include NCLE research activities, graduate student experiences plus a collection of extensive resources used to transfer project knowledge to stakeholders and public.


NCLE research is focused on three unique themes. Theme 1 explores livestock as an agroecosystem solution and highlights the role of livestock in food production systems through projects focused on soils, land use and GHG mitigation. Theme 2, leveraging data to improve food systems emphasizes the importance of continual measuring, monitoring and modeling in order to understand complex ecosystems and transform collected data into useful decision-making tools. In theme 3, One Health to improve animal management is where NCLE researchers demonstrate the value of using a multidisciplinary approach to research to more fully understanding the complex connections between feed, animal care, housing and health.

Student Experience

At the center of NCLE are the students. National Centre for Livestock and the Environment research projects provide graduate students with a unique, systems-level educational experiences. This page houses success stories and research activities conducted by graduate students connected to NCLE.


The National Centre for Livestock and the Environment is committed to free exchange of ideas and knowledge with academia, industry, governments and the community. The resource section of the site highlights practical use of NCLE research findings addressing current opportunities and challenges experienced in the Canadian livestock sector. Materials available in this section include videos, podcasts, articles, fact sheets, and infographics presenting key information generated by NCLE researchers and students.

Visit the NCLE website at


For more information contact:

Peter Frohlich, Research Development Coordinator
National Centre for Livestock and the Environment (NCLE)
Phone: (204) 474-7337   


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