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Waste collection bin in University Centre

Where have you bin? UM introduces new hallway waste infrastructure

Expanded waste streams coming to a hallway near you!

July 4, 2022 — 

UM is excited to announce the introduction of new hallway waste bin infrastructure in 10 buildings at the Fort Garry Campus. The arrival of these bins is one part of a multi-phase plan to introduce new three and four-stream waste infrastructure in hallways across all buildings at the University. The initial phase included the addition of 25 new bins added to the hallways at the Bannatyne campus.

Over time, the face of UM’s waste has evolved with the needs of the campus community. Recognizing the value of student and staff involvement, a survey was conducted in the Fall of 2020 to help shape UM’s Zero Waste Action Plan. The UM community’s resounding desire for expanded waste streams and cross-campus organics collection was heard and is now becoming a reality.


The new hallway waste bins can be found in the following locations:

  • Active Living Centre
  • Armes Lecture Hall
  • Education
  • Elizabeth Dafoe Library
  • Engineering (E2 & E3)
  • Fletcher Argue
  • Machray Hall
  • Science (Armes) Link
  • St. Paul’s College
  • UMSU University Centre
  • University College
  • Wallace 

Waste bins

waste signage


UM’s zero waste goals depend on you! Make use of UM’s waste reduction programs wherever possible by following the tips below:

  • Become acquainted with the new hallway bins: Each waste stream can be identified by its unique colour, shape, and signage that provides examples of accepted waste items per stream.
  • Leave no trace: Bring all waste from your classroom or study space to the nearest hallway bin for disposal.
  • Reduce waste wherever possible, refuse single use cups, cutlery, takeout containers and reuse your own containers, cutlery reusable water bottle and mug.
  • Explore UM’s other waste reduction initiatives:
    • PPE: Deposit your disposable masks in a PPE bin for recycling
    • Re-Bins: Recycle your batteries, pens/markers and plastic bags
    • Re-Shop: UM’s furniture and office supply reuse program, open to staff and students for on and off campus.
  • Be a leader: Share your waste knowledge with your friends and co-workers.


Not sure which bin your waste belongs in when you are on campus? Check out UM Sort! This easy-to-use tool allows you to search for the name of a waste item and tells you exactly how to recycle or dispose of it.

Still unsure? Any and all waste related questions can be sent to UM’s Zero Waste Coordinator, Allison Mac Intyre at

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