New associate dean to support graduate programs
The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences announces the 0.5 appointment of Dr. Jitendra Paliwal [MSc/97, PhD/02] to the new position of Associate Dean (Graduate Programs). In this new role, Jitendra will work with program and academic advisors to support and strengthen the Faculty’s graduate programs.
Jitendra is a Professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering, where he teaches and conducts research in the area of post-harvest grain handling and storage with a focus on imaging and spectroscopy. Through his research program, he has contributed to the training of over 60 undergraduate, masters and doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. Jitendra has been serving as the Graduate Chair for Biosystems Engineering since 2013. His experience in academic administration includes involvement in a number of university and faculty level committees including the Senate Committee on Admission Appeals; Faculty of Graduate Studies’ Awards, and Appeals committees; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences’ Nucleus Committee on Tenure and Promotion; and Faculty of Engineering’s Standing and Appeals Committee.
Jitendra’s appointment runs from November 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. During his hours in the Dean’s Office, he is located in Room 248 Agriculture Building.