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Headshots of four students layered over each other. The first is in graduation cap and gown, the second is in a blazer and tshirt, the third is in a black sweater, and the fourth is in a graduation gown.

2024 Faculty of Arts gold medalists (left to right) Hunter Lupyrypa (Advanced), Madissen Sitka (Honours), Logan Hiebert (University Gold Medal), Joshua Brandt (General).

Meet the 2024 Faculty of Arts Gold Medal Recipients

June 3, 2024 — 

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present the 2024 undergraduate academic medal winners. Their achievements are recognized in the Spring 2024 convocation ceremony.

University Gold Medal
Logan Hiebert
B.A. (English)

The University Gold Medal is an opportunity to honour the best in the undergraduate graduating class of each faculty. A gold medal is awarded to the undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts who has achieved the highest standing. This year’s recipient is Logan Hiebert. Logan is graduating with a B.A. general degree with a major in English and a minor in psychology. She is also the winner of the 2024 Governor General’s Silver Medal for the undergraduate student who achieves the highest academic standing in a Bachelor degree program at UM.

Logan’s love of literature and the confidence she gained going through the English program led to a welcoming, encouraging and enjoyable degree experience. “I am most grateful for the way my professors helped me to succeed outside of the classroom,” shared Logan. “A number of them encouraged me to grow as a student and a writer and to pursue further education.” She will cherish this as she moves on to study law at Dalhousie University this fall.

“My favourite class of my degree was, without a doubt, Writing Romantic Women with Dr. Michelle Faubert,” shared Logan. “I genuinely loved every text that we studied, and although the class was one of the most challenging of my degree, it was also the most rewarding.”

Reflecting upon her time and success in the Faculty of Arts, Logan reminds students just starting out in their education that even though university is definitely hard work, it is important to remember to “relax.” “Grades mean less than you think, and they say nothing about who you are as a person. You are not your grades.”


Faculty of Arts Honours Medal
Madissen Sitka
B.A. Honours (Psychology)

Madissen Sitka is this year’s recipient of the Faculty of Arts Honours Medal awarded to the student with the highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts four-year Honours Degree Program. Madissen is graduating with a major in Psychology.

Like many honours students, Madissen developed a passion for research during her undergraduate degree. She began volunteering in the Hearts and Minds Lab in 2021, where her interest in child, family and maternal mental health flourished. This fall, she will continue her research journey pursuing a master’s in clinical psychology at UM. “Being an active part of a community that celebrates and encourages student research and cross-faculty collaboration has allowed me to accumulate a vast set of research and interpersonal skills and make lifelong friends,” said Madissen. “I am extremely grateful for the mentorship, advice and support of faculty, research assistants and graduate students in the Hearts and Minds Lab and sincerely look forward to continuing to collaborate with this group in the future.”

One of Madissen’s favourite moments was presenting her undergraduate honours thesis in April. “It was exciting to present and share the piece of research I had been working so hard on for several months to peers, professors and my parents! It was really special to share this moment with the two people who have offered unconditional love and support throughout my undergraduate journey.”


Faculty of Arts Advanced Medal
Hunter Lupyrypa
B.A. Advanced (Psychology)

The award for the highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts four-year Advanced Degree Program goes to Hunter Lupyrypa. During her undergraduate degree, she majored in psychology and minored in sociology.

Studying at UM opened Hunter’s eyes to “the complexity of the world around us, and the idea that it is possible to become an expert in truly any subject – giving me a deeper appreciation of the idea that every job, and every role is truly so important.”

Hunter came into university thinking she would do something within the field of science or healthcare. Because university offers the chance to explore different areas, she took the opportunity to try math, finance, criminology and more. Over time, she discovered an interest in observing people and in understanding the things occurring around her. The combination of studying psychology and sociology and witnessing the impact counselling/therapy has had on people close to her has led her to pursue a master’s in counselling psychology next. “I fully believe in taking your time to figure out what it is you want to pursue long term,” said Hunter. “And, even once you’ve made that decision, it is okay to still be unsure at times! There are so many things out there and not everyone’s path needs to look the same.”


Faculty of Arts General Medal
Joshua Brandt
B.A. General (English)

Joshua Brandt is the 2024 recipient of the Faculty of Arts General Medal, awarded for highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts three-year General Degree Program. Joshue completed a major in English and a minor in history.

Joshua’s academic choices have been driven by his immense appreciation for literature and language. “I’ve been spellbound by stories and the mellifluousness of language since my youth,” he shared. “The characters with whom I grew intimate will never leave me – Hamlet, Britomart, Redcrosse, Falstaff and Hall. All are indelible. He added that studying history has “contextualized my world, ignited an interest in philosophy and deeply fascinated me.” Joshua is grateful to have been able to share and hone his interests and talents as a reporter and editor at The Manitoban for two years. He leaves fellow students and graduates with a message, “In all things, Soli Deo Gloria.”

Congratulations to the Faculty of Arts medal winners.


At its 2024 UM Convocation, the University of Manitoba will confer degrees, diplomas and certificates to over 4,300 graduates.

Visit the UM Student Instagram  and Faculty of Arts Instagram to learn more about some of the students graduating in 2024. You’ll find congratulations messages from fellow graduates and professors, stories about fellow graduates, more information about convocation and tips for new alumni. You can also join the ‘Convocation conversation’ on social media by following #umanitoba2024.


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