Chauntel Dyck, [BA (Adv)/2020] is the 2020 University Gold Medal winner for the Faculty of Arts.
Meet the 2020 Faculty of Arts Gold Medal Recipients
The Faculty of Arts is pleased to present the 2020 undergraduate academic medal winners. Their achievements are recognized in the Spring 2020 virtual convocation ceremony.
University Gold Medal
Chauntel Dyck
B.A. Advanced (Economics)
The University Gold Medal is an opportunity to honour the best in the undergraduate graduating class of each faculty. A gold medal is awarded to the undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts who has achieved the highest standing. This year’s recipient is Chauntel Dyck. Chauntel is graduating with a B.A. Advanced degree with a major in Economics and a minor in Psychology. Chauntel excelled in her studies while in the Faculty and in particular enjoyed some of the specialized courses she was able to take such as Economic Determinants of Health, Economic Research and Communication and Abnormal Psychology. She even found time to take advantage of the Faculty of Arts language programs and fit in an Introductory Italian course. Chauntel’s next challenge will be to pursue the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation and is enrolled in Extended Education this fall to begin her pre-requisites. “I would like to thank the University of Manitoba and the Faculty of Arts for this award. I would also like to thank my parents, sister, grandparents and boyfriend as well as my friends and professors/teachers for always supporting me,” said Chauntel.
Faculty of Arts Honours Medal
Stella Pena Sy
B.A. Honours (Criminology)
Stella Pena Sy is this year’s recipient of the Faculty of Arts Honours Medal awarded to the student with the highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts four-year Honours Degree Program. Stella is graduating with a Criminology major and a Psychology minor.
Faculty of Arts Advanced Medal
Oren Wilson
B.A. Advanced (Psychology)
The award for the highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts four-year Advanced Degree Program goes to Oren Wilson. During his undergraduate degree, Oren majored in Psychology and minored in Sociology. He spread his time among many campus groups and events, but especially enjoyed UMAnime and UMcraft meetings and events. He recalls his first discussion group with UMcraft, “the topic was mental health and, as a Psychology student, I was eager to hear what others had to say on the topic. I’ll never know what the others thought of me, but I will look back on them pleasantly until the end of my days. They are one of the many things that inspired me to shift from theoretical studies to concrete, person-to-person work. My only regret is that I had not attended an event like that sooner.” Oren plans to pursue a graduate degree in the future but first, he hopes to spend some time developing himself and his skills working, volunteering and enjoying what life experiences are thrown his way.
Faculty of Arts General Medal
Samantha Harvey
B.A. General (Native Studies)
Samantha Harvey is the 2020 recipient of the Faculty of Arts General Medal, awarded for highest standing in a Bachelor of Arts three-year General Degree Program. Samantha completed a major in Native Studies and a minor in Sociology. The Michif course Samantha took in her last year of studies seems to have made an impression on her. “It was an extraordinary experience to learn the language that was and is still spoken by the founders of Manitoba. It was incredible to be able to attend a Métis event held on campus that invited community members for a night of music, Métis food, and Michif. It also gave our class the chance to share what we had learned. To be able to take part and celebrate Métis culture and language with community members was some very fun hands-on learning!” said Samantha. She plans to attend the Faculty of Law at UM starting this fall and is hoping to pursue a career in law related to human and animal rights. Samantha has an affinity for animals – she rides horses, works at a stable in her free time and has volunteered with Urban Stables, a program that provides opportunities for youth facing challenges. “Animals are an amazing source of comfort and confidence. Helping the students develop a strong connection to their horse and, over the weeks, become more and more confident and content in themselves and what they can achieve is a great thing to see and be a part of,” shared Samantha.
Congratulations to the medal winners.
At its 2020 UM Virtual Convocation, the University of Manitoba will confer degrees, diplomas and certificates on 4,255 graduates.
Don’t forget to check our UM Student Instagram and Faculty of Arts Instagram to learn more about some of the students graduating June 29, 2020. You can also join the ‘Convocation conversation’ on social media by following #umanitoba2020.