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What can you do to reduce waste at UM?

Here’s one thing: Return surplus inter-office envelopes for redistribution

March 24, 2023 — 

To reduce the purchase of excess paper products at UM, the Facilities department requests that all surplus inter-office envelopes be returned in order to allow redistribution to departments as needed across campus. These redistribution methods will reduce overall orders of new envelopes across our campuses.

Please bundle and send all surplus interoffice envelopes to the Mailroom by May 1, 2023.


Taking action on paper waste, recycling and re-use

At UM, 14% of our recycled waste is printed paper and packaging, like the inter-office envelopes.

UM is taking action to increase recycling and diversion rates across our campuses by offering 3-stream and 4-stream waste bins in our hallways that include streams for containers, paper, organics, and waste to landfill.

By separating paper waste, we reduce contamination in our bins and increase the overall recyclability of our printed paper and packing. UM is also looking at operational efficiencies to reduce the quantity of paper products purchased across our campuses.


For more information, please contact Allison Mac Intyre at


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