Students outside Migizii Agamik - Bald Eagle Lodge.
Indigenous Student Newsletter launches
On Jan. 23, Indigenous students received the first edition of the Indigenous Student Newsletter in their inboxes.
The bi-weekly e-newsletter is a new opportunity for Indigenous students to get the most from their university experience. It provides information on upcoming events, programs, resources, awards and jobs that are specific to Métis, First Nation and Inuit students.
“There are 2,400 self-declared Indigenous students at the U of M, and until now, we have never been able to communicate so directly with them about opportunities and supports that are available to them,” says Christine Cyr, Director of the Indigenous Student Centre.
Indigenous students can sign up to receive the newsletter in their Aurora account:
- Please go to your student profile in Aurora
- Go to either the “Personal Information” tab or the “Declarations” tab and then click on “Canadian Indigenous Self-Declaration”
- Select that you would like to update your profile
- Where you are given the option to receive communication about U of M’s Indigenous Community select “Yes”
“The U of M is committed to creating pathways for Indigenous students that will better prepare them for and support them in achieving educational success,” says Frank Deer, Acting Executive Lead, Indigenous Achievement. “This is a great opportunity for us to connect directly with students and to share information about the growing number of academic, financial, cultural and social supports available for them.”
To submit a listing in the newsletter and let Indigenous students know about opportunities in your area, please visit Community Link.
If you are not an Indigenous student, but wish to receive the e-newsletter, you can sign up at: http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/indigenous.newsletter
The University of Manitoba is committed to advancing Indigenous education, and seeks to transform the lives of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples through sharing knowledge, creating a foundation for learning, promoting student success and developing leaders.