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Looking south on Fort Garry campus towards Engineering building.

Increase in Activity Levels – February 1, 2021

February 1, 2021 — 

The following is a message from Dr. Janice Ristock, Provost and Vice-President (Academic):

On January 22, 2021, the Province of Manitoba announced some loosening of restrictions.  Given this, the low rate of transmission of positive cases in Winnipeg and at the University of Manitoba, generally, the CRCS recommended and the President has approved a small increase in the number of employees attending our campuses.

Effective, February 1, 2021 Deans may plan to allow for an increase in the percentage of employees accessing our campuses up to a maximum of 30% (includes teaching, research and work in support of academic mission) if you feel this is necessary.

However, I wish to reinforce the following:

  • all work that may be done remotely must continue to be done remotely;
  • this adjustment does not include an increase to additional in-person teaching activities;
  • all discretionary activities continue to be postponed;
  • all UM health and safety protocols must be followed;
  • unless separately approved, all common spaces including lunch spaces continue to be closed;
  • requests to exceed the 30% activity limit may be considered, but only for essential service areas (such as animal care facilities).

I am asking you to exercise care and caution in determining necessary activity levels. 

Some examples of critical areas that may require increased activity levels include:  

  • research programs as well as research funding application preparation;
  • completion of graduate students research and theses;
  • access to laboratories and/or specialized equipment; or
  • stable internet access for teaching activities and preparation.

Adjustments in occupancy levels must be reported to the CRSC by completing this form.  Overall building occupancy will continue to be monitored to ensure COVID occupancy levels are respected.  It is understood that should our COVID positivity rates increase or the provincial restrictions tighten, then allowable activity levels may be reduced.   

It is essential that employees and students continue to self-monitor daily for COVID-19 symptoms and/or exposures before attending to any on-campus activitiesComplete this questionnaire.

If the checklist advises you not to enter; stay home, isolate and refer to the online COVID-19 Screening Tool by clicking here or call Health Links – Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or toll free at 1-888-315-9257 for further guidance.

For more information visit the UM COVID-19 webpage:

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Emergency: 204-474-9341