Ian Fernando and his Journey in the Campus Life Program
As the class of 2024 prepares for Spring Convocation, Ian reflects on his educational journey and his experiences within the Campus Life program.
What course was the most impactful for you and why?
The courses I took in Political Studies and History had the most significant impact on me. These courses offered a comprehensive understanding of the diverse perspectives that shape governance and policy-making. I gained critical thinking and analytical tools to dissect and evaluate political concepts and comprehend the complexities in both contemporary and historical contexts. Overall, I enjoyed broadening my intellectual horizons and sharpening my ability to engage in informed discourse.
What has the most exciting part about studying at the University of Manitoba?
I came to the university and Campus Life program in 2015 for a better life and to gain an education. During high school, I was interested in attending university or college. While in high school, there was an E.A. who wanted me to push my way further in my life and to be successful. He said, “Ian if you want to get life skills you need to go into the integrated classroom”. So, I did.
“It changed my personal life and my opportunities for the future and helped to pave the way for university through the Campus Life program. This is also why I chose to pursue courses in Political Studies and History and do assignments that concerned disability issues. I hope to see more inclusive education programs for people with disabilities in the decades to come.”
My most memorable assignment has been an ongoing blog project where I write about different topics that interest me and are explored in my classes. I write about topics such as disability issues, the Russia-Ukraine War, and political ideology. These were my favorites because they let me explore important issues and share my thoughts with others. Even when life got busy or tough, I made sure to keep writing in my blog because it was something I was passionate about. It helped me grow as a writer and thinker, and I’m grateful for the experiences it gave me.
What’s next for you after graduation?
The right path for me is to be an independent blog writer and photographer on topics such as travel, history, culture, and much more. I will continue writing more blogs after graduating from the university. Another hobby of mine is transport spotting, I plan on expanding on this interest in the future.
Advice to others thinking about university
Be confident and be yourself. Be realistic yet hopeful about your dreams. Ensure that you know your capabilities and know that you can definitely do it. Don’t let others convince you otherwise. Be open to learning new things and meeting new people. Stick with your friends and don’t get caught in the trap of trying to impress people. You have the right to life, love, education, and employment. You will have to work hard to obtain these things but if you put in the effort and the time, just like everyone else, then eventually the opportunity that is right for you will come. Even if the uncertainty that life has to offer can be scary and fearful, when you embrace the journey, you’ll find yourself really living life the way you’re meant to, instead of staying in your comfort zone. You need to be grateful for the people around you and the experiences life provides.
Find out more about Campus Life visiting https://umanitoba.ca/education/campus-life