Future students to explore UM
Evening of Excellence showcases diverse opportunities
What can the University of Manitoba offer? It’s a question on the minds of many high school students and their families as they look to the next chapter in their education.
On October 29, UM will answer this question and more at Evening of Excellence – an energetic and informational fair for high-achieving high school students, their family, friends, and mature learners.
Many of the university’s academic programs, student life programs and student supports will have booths at this come-and-go event where attendees can speak with current students, faculty and staff.
They’ll learn how innovative new programming and spaces are providing learning opportunities that are unique to UM. Future engineering students, for example, will have access to a virtual reality lab and space to design prototypes in the new Stanley Pauley Engineering Building. The award-winning ARTlab allows fine arts students to hone their craft with traditional and digital technologies among lighting studios, darkrooms, and 3D printers.
Students passionate about making a difference are encouraged to explore the Masters of Human Rights degree – the first of its kind in the world – and the President’s Student Leadership Program which is the first in Canada to provide leadership education to all students, regardless of faculty.
Information will also be available about scholarship and award opportunities. Students will discover ways they can receive support as a student-athlete, take an internship abroad, or be recognized as an Emerging Leader.
Beyond academics, UM offers students many opportunities to develop their careers, broaden their horizons and reach their potential.
Students interested in learning outside the classroom should ask about a faculty’s co-op programs, which offer paid career experience, and international exchanges, which send students to Israel, Sweden and other foreign countries.
The Bisons, known for producing student-athletes who excel in both academics and sport, will have a booth at Evening of Excellence along with mascot Billy the Bison who will be roaming the event for photos.
All attendees are also invited to visit the Indigenous Community area where they can speak with members of the Indigenous Student Recruitment Team, Student Advisors, students from the Indigenous Circle of Empowerment and representatives from Ongomiizwin – the Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing.
Evening of Excellence
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus
6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Students must register for this event. To do so, click here.
For more information on Evening of Excellence, visit the event website.