First-day enrolment at University of Manitoba still soaring high
Students continue to choose U of M at near-record numbers
Once again, first-day enrolment at the University of Manitoba for the Fall Term 2016 is within the optimal range outlined by the U of M Strategic Enrolment Management Plan. Enrolment for the first day of classes at the University of Manitoba was 29,620 students, the second-highest number in the history of the institution. This is the fourth consecutive year enrolment has exceeded 29,000 students on the first day of classes.
Several faculties reported increases in enrolment this fall, including Agricultural and Food Sciences (2.9 per cent), Architecture (4.6 percent), Science (6.4 per cent) and Social Work (3.6 per cent).
Undergraduate enrolment increased by 0.4 per cent in Fall Term 2016.
First-day enrolment numbers are only preliminary, and often increase following late enrolment and after faculties submit all their data in coming months.