Faculty of Architecture Staffing announcements
The Faculty of Architecture is please to announce that Liane Veness has accepted an 18-month term position as Coordinator/Technician for the Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (CAST).
Liane has a Bachelor of Environmental Design and a Masters of Architecture from the University of Manitoba.
In addition to her education, Liane is a LEED Accredited Professional and a member of both the Manitoba Association of Architects and the Royal Architecture Institute of Canada. Liane has been a practicing Architect for over ten years, managing and directing projects and offices, in Canada and abroad. Liane is the founding director and principal of Work/Shop.
Liane has worked as a sessional instructor in the Faculty of Architecture since 2008, teaching the ED3 Design Studio and has been teaching the Architecture Technology 2 lecture course since 2014.
As CAST Coordinator/Technician, Liane will oversee the daily operation of CAST, managing and organizing the use of CAST space and equipment for research projects. Liane will work closely with academic staff and students regarding on-going curriculum needs and deadlines, providing a safe and organized research, learning and working environment in CAST.
In addition, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Lisa Landrum, as Associate Head, Department of Architecture, for a two-year term.
Professor Landrum joined the Department of Architecture in 2008 and is currently an Associate Professor. She teaches architecture design studios, graduate seminars, and undergraduate lectures in the History and Theory of Modern and Pre-modern Architecture. Since 2010 she has been Coordinator of the Masters Design Thesis.
Dr. Landrum will support the Department Head by providing advice on curriculum and student matters, Department regulations and program reports. She will also be responsible for term schedules, the coordination of Department reviews and major course deadlines.
Please join us in welcoming Liane and Lisa to their roles with the Faculty.