Dr. Jim House honoured for achievements in the nutrition profession

CNS president Dr. Lindsay Robinson from Guelph presents Dr. House with his awards
Dr. Jim House, Professor in the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, received two of the highest awards bestowed by the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) – the Earle Willard McHenry Award for Distinguished Service and the CNS-SCN Fellow Award – at the recent 2023 Annual Meeting held in Quebec City.
The Earle Willard McHenry Award for Distinguished Service in Nutrition is a prestigious honour given annually in recognition of distinguished service in the field of nutrition by a Canadian or Canadian-based individual. The award is given for merit in teaching, in inspiring students and colleagues, in providing leadership through professional associations leading to progress in nutrition, in giving administrative or material support towards the development of outstanding nutrition / nutritionally-oriented programs, in research achievement.
The CNS-SCN Fellow Award is an exclusive professional distinction that recognizes exceptional service to both the Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) as well as the broader nutrition profession, both within Canada and globally. The CNS-SCN Fellow designation is an honour bestowed upon a CNS member by their peers in recognition for outstanding contributions to nutrition science and/or practice. To be selected for the CNS-SCN Fellow award, an individual must be a current “Active” or “Emeritus” member or member of at least one of its originating societies – Canadian Society for Clinical Nutrition (CSCN) or Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences (CSNS) – for a minimum of 10 years. They must also demonstrate accomplishments and distinguished service in the field of nutrition in each of the four domains: contribution to CNS activities; achievements in nutrition research and/or nutrition practice; contributions to the Canadian nutrition; and recognition, reputation and credibility nationally and/or internationally within the nutrition sector.
The biography for Dr. House on the CNS website reads:
Dr. House is a Professor in the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba. He completed his Ph.D. in amino acid nutrition and metabolism from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada in 1996. Since arriving at the University of Manitoba in 1998, he has maintained research programs in 3 primary areas: 1) understanding factors regulating sulphur amino acid metabolism in animals; 2) sustainable egg production systems, including novel value-added egg products; and 3) determining factors influencing the quality of dietary proteins. His research program has trained over 40 graduate students and 16 post-doctoral fellows and research associates, as well as over 40 undergraduate research assistants. His research program has advanced our understanding of factors affecting the utilization of plant- and animal-based protein sources in the human diet. He has received awards from the Canadian Society of Animal Science, the Canadian Society of Nutritional Sciences (now the Canadian Nutrition Society), as well as awards for merit and administrative service from the University of Manitoba. Dr. House has served as President for the Canadian Nutrition Society (2018) and was recently elected (2021) as a member of the Board of Trustees for the newly established Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS). His research program is funded via NSERC Discovery Grants, as well as numerous tripartite funding programs involving industry and government partners. He is the program lead for the Manitoba Protein Research Strategy.