Don’t miss this year’s Science Rendezvous – a free, family festival on Saturday, May 11
What’s fun, free and filled with chances to learn about all things “Science”? Why, it’s “Science Rendezvous Winnipeg”, of course, and it’s coming back to the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus, Saturday, May 11, 2019, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
More than 700+ volunteers from the University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg are helping to organize the event, which will include over 60+ hands-on activities, science shows, tours of facilities, and cutting-edge research.
“If someone hasn’t attended the event before, they might think it’s all about science, or akin to a school science fair. It’s nothing like a science fair, and it’s actually about so much more: it’s about discovery and innovation and creativity and wonder,” said Kyla Smith, event organizer.
From robots to bugs, fossils to outer space, it’s fun for preschoolers, tweens, parents and grandparents alike. Activities are both indoors and outdoors (weather permitting), and include a giant Oobleck pool, musical staircase, glow wall, fruit keyboard, balloons in the shape of microbes or molecules, and liquid nitrogen ice-cream, and more!
Live shows include, the Chemistry Potions Class (à la Hogwarts), and the Physics Adventure Show with evil, (or not), so genius, plotting to take over the world, they promise to amaze, dazzle and delight.
Food trucks, refillable water stations, and free parking will also be available.
You don’t want to miss this year’s Science Rendezvous and the chance to explore the science all around you.
Science Rendezvous is a free annual science festival, a signature marquee partner event of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Science Odyssey Week, May 4 – 19. A celebration of Discovery & Innovation. Science Rendezvous Winnipeg, at the University of Manitoba. It includes indoor and outdoor hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) activities.
For more information, please contact:
If you are interested in any aspect of the event, please contact: Event Organizer, Kyla Smith, kyla [dot] smith [at] umanitoba [dot] ca.
Media Contact, Jennifer MacRae, jennifer [dot] macrae [at] umanitoba [dot] ca
Photo gallery from Science Rendezvous 2018. Images courtesy of Kira Koop.