CONFERENCE PAGE: 2018 MPHETE Student Leadership Conference
The 4th annual MPHETE Student Leadership Conference, “Affirming Identities” will focus on diversity and inclusion within physical education. This conference is a Student Leadership Conference, for Physical Education students and Education students.
See the activity and speaker schedule below.
Before January 15, $20+GST
Week-Of/At The Door: $30+GST
To register for the conference, please click here for the REGISTRATION PAGE.
Once you have registered for the conference, you’re invited to fill out the following two forms, to save time when you arrive at the registration desk at the conference. Filling out the forms will also ensure we can accommodate your dietary needs on the day of the event.
Photography & Media Release Form (Conference)
Registration Form (Conference)
To reserve a hotel room at the special conference rate, please click this link: MPHETE Conference (Please note, this special rate will only be available until January 10, 2018, after which any rooms booked will be at the regular rate.)
For further 2018 conference information not listed here, please email PHESLC[at]umanitoba[dot]ca.
Click here for a list of conference resources.
Dr. Jepkorir (Rose) Chepyator-Thomson, PhD, Professor of Physical Education and Sports Management, University of Georgia
“Building a Community of Learners Through Physical Activity and Culture”
-Rupal Malik, Teacher, Pembina Trails School Division
Multicultural Dance
-Simrit Deol, PhD Student, Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation, U of M
Immigrant Students & Physical Education
-Blair Robillard, Instructor, University of Manitoba
Aboriginal Games & Activities
-Kathy Issac, Professor, Faculty of Education U of M
The Importance of Physical Activity for Optimal Cognitive Development
-Andrea Bedard, Instructor, University of Winnipeg
Adapted Physical Education
-Deryk Tufford & Bud Penner, Teachers, Hanover School Division
Warrior Fitness- Leveraging Digital with Optical Heart Rate Monitors for the Purpose of Assessment
-Emma Laferiere & Caelen Thomson, Faculty of Education Year 2 Students
Physical Education Escape Room
-Bryan Vermeylen & Curt McKinnon, Teachers, St. James Assiniboia School Division
Circus Art
-Sarah Halas, Circus Performer
-Arlana Vadnais, Wellness Specialist, University of Manitoba
Mental Health and Wellness