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People jigging at UM Louis Riel Day Celebration.

Staff, students and faculty learning to jig at the UM Louis Riel Day celebration.

Celebrating Louis Riel: Honouring Métis Heritage

Food, live music and connecting with community will be centre stage at this year’s Louis Riel Day Celebration taking place Friday, February 14 on UM’s Fort Garry campus.  

“This event is a chance to gather to recognize Métis people, history and culture as well as acknowledge the life, accomplishments and sacrifices of Louis Riel and the importance of his leadership, vision and contributions to the creation of Manitoba,” says Vanessa Lillie, Director of Cultural Integration. “It’s inspiring to see future young leaders embracing and celebrating their pride in being Métis.”

Louis Riel Day is named for Métis leader Louis Riel who is recognized for his leadership during the Red River and North-West Resistances, which were pivotal in defending Métis rights and land against the Canadian government. In 2023, he was recognized by the Manitoba government as the province’s honourary first premier.

“We have a history of celebrating this day at UM and like other years, there will be delicious food, live music, a chance to play trivia and a time to continue our ongoing relationship building,” says Lillie.

“This is a great time to join the Métis community on campus and to connect with supports for Métis students. Resource tables will be in attendance where you can meet community resources like the Two-Spirit Michif Local, Bison Local, Métis University Student Association (MUSA), UM Indigenous Birding Club, student advisors from the Indigenous Student Centre and Jessica Burzuik, the Métis Inclusion Coordinator with the Manitoba Métis Federation who is hosted here at UM to provide supports to Métis students.

“If it’s your first time joining us, we are looking forward to welcoming new and returning guests.”

What: Louis Riel Day Celebrations
Where: Marshall McLuhan Hall – Room 204, UMSU University Centre
When: Friday, February 14, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Please register in advance for the lunch order.

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