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The Magazine News Archive

Bruce Ford treks through the forest on a hike

The Seekers

October 24, 2018 — 
It can happen anywhere, anytime—the type of joy, loss or discovery that changes you. Meet five members of our University of Manitoba community who take us back to the places, and the moments, where they found what they were looking for.

A drone flies over a farmer's field. Illustration by Leona Harder

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Millennial Farmers

October 24, 2018 — 
Exploring the push—and pushback—of technology on the family farm, and how one young ranching couple (who met on an “Aggies” pub crawl) is finding their own way.

Vaclav Smil. // photo by David Lipnowski [BA(Hons)/08]

Vaclav Smil

October 24, 2018 — 
If you want to know what this University of Manitoba Distinguished Professor Emeritus has to say about the state of our world, just ask his biggest fan, Bill Gates.



October 24, 2018 — 
Fall 2018 accomplishments.

A panorama of the University of Manitoba Fort Garry campus. // Campus photo by Ian McCausland

An Apology

October 24, 2018 — 
President David Barnard shares an important message about sexual violence on campus.

Luke Nickel sits in front of a dim light.

Listen Closely

October 24, 2018 — 
Meet composer Luke Nickel, who loves the mystery of sound—and never got to play the harp.

Migizii Agamik-Bald Eagle Lodge. // photo by Mike Latschislaw

What’s in a Name

October 24, 2018 — 
How a bird of prey set the tone for Migizii Agamik-Bald Eagle Lodge, now marking a milestone.

An old typewriter with loaded paper

Dad’s Diary

October 24, 2018 — 
Read the story behind the story of author Michael Kaan’s award-winning first novel, The Water Beetles.

An aerial view of Brandon, Man., with a population of nearly 50,000. // photo by Tim Smith

Bright Lights

October 24, 2018 — 
Find out what Brandon, Man., and Las Vegas have in common.

photos by Alexraths And Rudigobbo/

Line of Fire

October 24, 2018 — 
How graduate students are helping to protect us against antibiotic-resistant infections.

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