UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

The Magazine News Archive

Diane Roussin stands in front of a colourful mural, looking at the camera

A Bison at the Centre of Social Innovation

December 18, 2024 — 
How UM alum Diane Roussin, project director of The Winnipeg Boldness Project, is co-creating solutions with residents in the city’s Point Douglas neighbourhood

A graphic of an crying eye centered in a film strip

Why Do We Like Sad Movies?

December 18, 2024 — 
We asked Brenda Austin-Smith in the Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media to explain our love of tearjerkers

President Michael Benarroch in conversation, sitting on a grey chair

Year in Review

December 6, 2024 — 
President Michael Benarroch shares his UM highlights from 2024

Town of Churchill from afar with land in foreground

Health and Healing in the North

November 25, 2024 — 
Through UM’s Ongomiizwin Health Services, physicians travel to Manitoba’s northern and remote communities, bridging gaps and offering cultural care. See how this sprawling network is learning from locals, graduating more Indigenous doctors and navigating ongoing challenges to health equity

Charlie Spiring stands in downtown Winnipeg

A Bison at the Centre of Finance

November 21, 2024 — 
UM alum Charlie Spiring set himself apart and grew a $10-billion investment firm

Isha Khan standing in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

A Bison at the Centre of Human Rights Education

November 7, 2024 — 
UM alum Isha Khan shares her journey to CEO of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights

Researcher Eric Collins stands on the deck of the Churchill Marine Observatory

Open Water

October 22, 2024 — 
As climate change melts sea ice in Manitoba’s subarctic, northern communities explore Churchill’s future as a shipping route connecting the province to the global supply chain. See how UM scientists at the Churchill Marine Observatory are helping navigate the path forward

A black and white photograph of a burger, with illustrated animals around it, including a bee, butterfly, bird and beetle

Why Are Pollinators Key to Year-Round Food Security?

October 22, 2024 — 
Indigenous scholar Kyle Bobiwash explains how a dip in pollinator populations from climate change affects farmers’ crops worldwide

Raj Bahl, Ash Modha and Prashant Modha stand in a retail space for Mondetta

Bisons at the Centre of Sustainability

October 4, 2024 — 
How these founders of Mondetta—all three UM alumni—built a clothing giant in sustainability from Manitoba

William Prince sings into a microphone from the stage

Taking the Stage

September 26, 2024 — 
William Prince opens the Desautels Concert Hall at UM—we ask students, faculty and alumni about Winnipeg’s newest performance hub

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