C.A.S.T. Research in Residence Program
Call for Proposals
The Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.) is an interdisciplinary research laboratory that embraces both the technical and poetic dimensions of making. The facility focuses on creative experimentation with technologies germane to the design, construction and performance of the built environment.
Every year C.A.S.T. hosts researchers through the Research in Residence Program that was recently reinstated. This program allows researchers with the opportunity to explore materials and assemblies; experiment with building techniques and construction methods; devise and test prototypes; study the limits and potential of natural laws; investigate sustainable practices; cultivate Indigenous modes of making; and collaborate in the rigorous play of imagination.
Beginning either in September 2018 or January 2019, the 4-month appointment (length can vary) allows the Researcher in Residence to offer public lectures and participatory workshops. Full access is granted to the facilities and work spaces at C.A.S.T., as well as our FabLab, woodworking and metalworking shops, allowing endless possibilities of experimentation and modes of discovery. Researchers also have the opportunity to showcase their work in faculty exhibitions and publications. Allowing them to expose their research work to many local industry professionals and faculties as well as the general public.
C.A.S.T. supports both discipline-specific and cross-disciplinary research that advances knowledge, promotes creativity, and supports innovation in teaching. C.A.S.T. seeks to promote research benefiting students, researchers, industry, the public and our planet.
The deadline for proposal submissions is Midnight of August 1, 2018.
For more details on the program and how to apply please visit our website at http://umanitoba.ca/faculties/architecture/cast/CallforProposals.html.