Award winning students
Leah (Wong) Guenther, who just defended her M.Sc. Mechanical thesis has won the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society’s Founder’s medal for best basic science presentation titled “Biochemical Analyses of Osteoarthritic and Periprosthetic Synovial Fluid from Human Hip and Knee Joints”.
Steven Harms (BSc CE 2013) has won the Canadian Geotechnical Society undergraduate thesis competition for the best thesis submitted by a Canadian undergraduate student. Steven receives a trip to the conference in Montreal this fall to receive his award. This national competition is judged by a panel of academics and industry experts. What is particularly interesting is this is the 4th time in the last 10 years U of M has placed first in this competition on top of having two runner-ups. This year is the second year in a row that U of M has won this competition, a great testament to the quality and value of our undergraduate thesis course. Steven’s thesis project was supervised by Dr. James Blatz.
Matthew Lynch (BSc CE 2013) and David Amorim (BSc CE 2013) won 3rd Place in Precast Concrete Institute (PCI) Big Beam Contest. Matthew and David designed and tested their “Big Beam” and competed in Zone 7: International Category. The faculty advisors of the project were Dr. Dagmar Svecova and Dr. Fariborz Hashemian.
C.D. Howe Scholarship Winners
Congratulations to Amanda Pushka, now in Civil Engineering, and Andre Marchildon, now in Mechanical Engineering on being our latest C.D. Howe Scholarship Winners. The scholarship, worth $7500 for each student, is awarded to deserving students entering their second year of engineering education who have been nominated by their Dean.
Pushka has distinguished herself as a tireless community volunteer, having served on a short-term mission trip to Guatemala, regularly preparing and serving food at a local inner-city mission and mentoring young athletes.
Marchildon has been very active on campus, first as an intern with the University of Manitoba Engineering Society then becoming the society’s Secretary. Since then he has joined the mechanical team of the University of Manitoba Space Application and Technology Society and volunteers weekly at a home for mentally and physically challenged youth and adults.
And, for the first time in the history of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, a Canadian Student Chapter has been awarded the ITE International Student Chapter Award! Out of 153 Student Chapters internationally, the University of Manitoba ITE student Chapter was selected.
The purpose of the Student Chapter Award is “to encourage Student Chapters to promote the advancement of transportation and traffic engineering by fostering the close association of students with the transportation and traffic engineering profession and the Institute.”
The students were presented with this award at the International conference in Boston. Congratulations to all the students involved, and their faculty advisor, Dr. Jeannette Montufar on this recognition just 10 years after forming as a chapter.
Rebecca Peterniak, EIT – President
Rob Poapst, EIT – Vice-President
Ali Campbell – Secretary
Adam Budowski, EIT – Treasurer
Mark Vogt, Danielle Salem, Lisa Smith, Kelly Groff – Technical Activities Coordinators