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Avoid email account lockout, change your password today!

Use signUM’s convenient and quick self-service option

January 14, 2020 — 

If you are having trouble logging in to your UM network account, it may be time to change your password and re-accept the usage agreement.

To ensure the security of our network, all users must change their passwords and re-accept the usage agreement every 365 days.

Changing your password is easy to do with the self-service option. The following tips make it easier:   

  • Change your password and re-accept the usage agreement at the same time. This way you have to repeat the process only once every 365 days.
  • Add this step to your start of term to-do list and never lose access to your UM accounts again.

How to change your password

  1. On any device connected to the internet go to
  2. Click on Click here to begin.
  3. Log in using your UMNETID and password. (If you don’t remember your password, click on the Forgot Password link and follow the instructions.)
  4. Go to My Information.
  5. Select Change Password.
  6. Change your password and click Apply.

How to re-accept the usage agreement

  1. Log into signUM using your UMNETID and password.
  2. Go to My Information.
  3. Select Usage Agreement Information.
  4. Click on Re-accept Usage Agreement.
  5. Click I Agree.

Please read the signUM FAQs for more information, and read more about the university’s Password Standard and Computer Accounts Usage Agreement.

Contact the IST Service Desk if you have any questions or need help.


4 comments on “Avoid email account lockout, change your password today!

  1. Tia Matic

    My email is locked and I have changed the password and accepted the new terms TWICE already. It is crucial for me to have access to my school email during these times. Please get back to me on this asap.

    User: matict
    Student Number: 7838000

  2. Ni’ao Liu

    My email is locked and I can’t log in to use it to send emails or use umlearn, I sent an email to regiter but haven’t gotten a reply. I can’t call all the Canadian phone numbers because I am not in Canada but in China. I missed the exam and submitted the assignment because I couldn’t login to umlearn, and I didn’t get a reply to the email I sent to my professor from my private email.

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