Photo courtesy of Enns Brothers
Aggies push bed in support of children with disabilities
If you glimpsed a burgundy-colored steel bed frame on wheels rolling through your community this past weekend, don’t worry – you weren’t seeing things.
The University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences student council held the 36th annual charity fundraiser Aggie Bedpush September 29 and 30. This year the Bedpush traveled to the communities of Portage la Prairie, Gladstone, Neepawa, Minnedosa, Boissevain, Killarney, Treherne and Elm Creek – the hometowns of many of the students.
To date, the students have raised over $5100 for year’s selected cause, the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation (CRF), and donations are still being accepted. Donations will be accepted until October 10.
The CRF is a charity is dedicated to helping children and youth with disabilities live as independently as possible. The CRF is the fundraising arm for the Rehabilitation Centre for Children (RCC)—an outpatient facility providing services and outreach therapy for children and youth with a range of physical and developmental challenges.
The Aggie Bedpush has supported many charities over the years including Manitoban Farmers with Disabilities, STARS Foundation, Children’s Wish Foundation, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, CancerCare Manitoba and the Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line.
Jordan Randell took over the University of Manitoba student Instagram account during Bedpush – check out her photos and commentary!