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AG e-news November 6, 2017

News and events from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

November 6, 2017 — 

News and events from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences


Tuesday, November 7 – There will be an Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Seminar with Alan Ker, Director of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Food and Agricultural Policy in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE) at the University of Guelph , on “Estimating crop yields with like (not identical) data generating processes” at 12 noon in Room 354 Agriculture Building (Agribusiness boardroom).

Tuesday, November 7 – A Department of Animal Science Seminar will be held on in Room 219 Animal Science Building at 10:00 am. Zhangbin Cai, M.Sc. student, will make the scientific presentation “Persistence of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) and Porcine Delta Coronavirus (PDCoV) in The Field Environments” and Angie Cerilli, M.Sc. student, will make the poster presentation “Effect of Seeding Rate and Harvest Management of Sainfoin and Sainfoin Grass Mixtures on in vitro Rumen Fermentation”.  All are welcome to attend.

Tuesday, November 7 – There will be a Food and Human Nutritional Sciences Graduate Student Seminar at 3:00 pm in Room 206 Human Ecology Building. Maryam Samsamikor, Human Nutritional Sciences Ph.D. student, will present “The effects of hemp seed protein and hemp seed protein hydrolysate on blood pressure”.

Wednesday, November 8 – There will be a Soil Science Seminar at 12:30 pm in Room 346 Ellis Building with presenter Dr. Vince Palace, Head Research Scientist, IISD – Experimental Lakes Area Inc. on “Freshwater Oil Spill Research at IISD-ELA.”

November 13-24 – The Research Institute in Oncology and Hematology are offering two training workshops “Microscopy, Optics and Imaging” on November 13-17 and “3D, Spectral Imaging” on November 20-24.  To see the workshop and registration details, visit

Tuesday, November 14 – Statistics Canada presents “Talking Stats” presentation and panel discussion on “Canadian agriculture: evolution and innovation” 9 am to 12 noon at the Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel, 2 Lombard Place.  Derek Brewin, Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics, will be part of the panel along with host and Chief Statistician of Canada, Anil Arora. Event is free but you must register by November 8 at

Tuesday, November 14 –  A Department of Entomology Seminar will be presented by Ms. Katrina Froese, FortWhyte Alive, on “Education and Entomology – How insects engage learners young and old”. Refreshments at 10:00 am, seminar begins at 10:10 am sharp in 220 Animal Science/Entomology Building. All are welcome.

Wednesday, November 15 – There is a Department of Soil Science PhD thesis defense at 10 am in 346 Ellis Building with Ikechukwu Agomoh presenting “Nutrient Dynamics and Phytoextraction in Soils receiving Long-term Manure Application”

Wednesday, November 15 – The third seminar in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences 2017-2018 Seminar Series will be held at 3:30 pm in the Carolyn Sifton Lecture Theatre, 130 Agriculture Building. Dr. Iain Davidson-Hunt, Professor, Natural Resources Institute, Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources, will present “Biocultural Design and Innovation in Small Scale Food Systems”.  Refreshments will be served at 3:00 pm in the Atrium. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Thursday, November 16Be Part of the Agri-Food Conversation is a new monthly speaker series is coordinated by the Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre and facilitated by Centre manager Myrna Grahn. Special guest speakers will address an academic and industry audience on timely agriculture and food topics. The series will also allow for some networking in a casual environment. The November speaker will be Trish Jordan, Public and Industry Affairs Director, Monsanto Canada Inc. Trish is passionate about agriculture, farmers and enhancing agricultural awareness with the non-farming public. She has worked in agriculture for 33 years, the last 17 as Public and Industry Affairs Director with Monsanto Canada where she is responsible for media relations, issues management and providing strategic communications support to core business activities. Trish also manages Monsanto Canada’s Grower Advisory Council as well as the company’s recent efforts to share the story of modern agriculture with consumer audiences. She will speak on the topic “Connecting with Consumers to Share the Agriculture Story”. It’s no secret that today consumers have strong opinions about agriculture, what’s happening on the farm and how that relates to the food they eat. Increasingly, they are not afraid to share their viewpoints – whether based on practical experience or what they’ve read on social media. Conversations with consumers aren’t always easy but those involved in Canadian agriculture are stepping up and exploring new ways to share their stories, welcome dialogue, and improve the public’s trust in Canadian agriculture. Trish will share her personal insights on mistakes made, hot button topics, and what Monsanto has learned about cutting through the noise to change and enhance agriculture’s reputation. All presentations take place at 3:00 pm at Barley Brothers Craft Beer Restaurant and Bar, 2005 Pembina Highway.  For more information please contact Myrna at or 204-883-2524.

Wednesday, December 13 and Thursday, December 14 – The 2017 Manitoba Agronomists Conference themed “Managing  Crops to Maintain Markets” will be held in Room 172 Agriculture Building and via webcast. The cost is $225.  Register by December 1 to take advantage of the early bird rate of $185.  Registration closes December 8. Register early for Winnipeg as space is limited. Graduate students are invited to attend as well as submit posters.  Poster requirements and deadlines as well as registration information are on the MAC website at Any inquiries can be directed to the MAC Coordinator, Rachel Sydor at or 204-474-8473.

Friday, December 15 – Save the date! The 22nd Annual Fields on Wheels Conference is themed “NFATA 2018: Implications for Agricultural Trade and Transportation”. More details and registration at Early bird registration ends November 24.



Sue Arntfield, Food and Human Nutritional Sciences (retired), was named Professor Emerita at a special ceremony October 19. Individuals nominated for the title Emeritus or Emerita must have rendered distinguished service to the University through their teaching, research, and scholarship. Read more at

Jitendra Paliwal, Biosystems Engineering, was presented with the 2017 Technical Excellence Award by Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba at their awards gala on October 20. The award is given in recognition of his outstanding leadership, mentorship, service to the profession and technical contributions to the field of engineering. Read more at

Rob Duncan, Plant Science, has been named to the CBC Manitoba Future 40 finalists – a celebration of the province’s new generation of leaders, builders and change-makers under the age of 40.   Read more at

Pam Bailey, School of Agriculture, was named to the board of the Manitoba Canola Growers and becomes the organization`s first female board member. Read more at

Karin Wittenberg, Dean, spoke at the CropLife Canada’s provincial outreach day on October 24 which was attended by the Chemistry, Science and Regulatory Committee (CSRC) as well as other Manitoba stakeholder representatives.

Karin also attended the inaugural meeting of the University of Manitoba’s International Advisory Committee on October 24.

Karin attended the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists annual BBQ at Kelburn Farm on October 26, where she reminded MIA membership of the opportunities available to them to become Council members.

The Inaugural Rapid-Fire Research Symposium was held on October 25. The “Best Presentation” & “People’s Choice” awards went to Jaime Clark (PhD student supervised by Drs. Carla Taylor & Peter Zahradka), “2nd Prize” was awarded to Danielle Lee (PhD student supervised by Dr. Hope Anderson, College of Pharmacy) and “3rd Prize” was won by Afroza Ferdouse (MSc student supervised by Dr. Harold Aukema).   Special thank you to the chair (Dr. Thomas Netticadan), the trainee co-chairs, Samantha Pauls and  Pema Raj (who assisted the chair, Dr. Thomas Netticadan, with all of the organizing tasks) and their assistants Roxanna Koohgoli and Susara MaddumaHewage, the judges (Jessay Devassy, Matthew Nosworthy, Xavier Louis & Samantha Pauls), guest speaker Tracey Maconachie (Life Science Association of Manitoba), Joseph Pilapil & Rob Blaich (SBRC AV Team), and the symposium sponsors (Canadian Centre for Agri-Food Research in Health and Medicine & Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada).  See the winners here

Martin Scanlon, Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, attended the AACC International Annual Meeting in San Diego, October 8-11 where he presented a paper “Controlling Texture Development in the Sheeting of Wheat Flour Asian Noodle Doughs” on behalf of co-authors Ali Salimi Khorshidi, Reine-Marie Guillermic, Filiz Koksel, Anatoliy Strybulevych, Xinyang Sun, Sebastien Kerhervé, Daiva Daugelaite, Michael T. Nickerson, David W. Hatcher, John H. Page.  At the end of the meeting Martin acceded to the Board of Directors for AACC International for a three-year term as a result of election to the Board earlier in the year.  The AACC International Board meets regularly throughout the year to review policy issues and action items in the context of the organization’s strategic plan. At the meeting, Martin was co-author on two posters presented by Dr Nicole Avramenko of the University of Saskatchewan: “Effect of NaCl on water mobility and the formation of the gluten network in dough prepared from four CWRS wheat cultivars” – Nicole A. Avramenko, Pierre J. Hucl, Martin G Scanlon and Michael T. Nickerson, and “Effect of salts from the lyotropic series on water mobility and the formation of the gluten network in dough prepared from two CWRS wheat cultivars” – Nicole A. Avramenko, Pierre J. Hucl, Martin G Scanlon and Michael T. Nickerson.  He was also co-author on one poster presented by Erin Hopkins, also of the University of Saskatchewan:  “Effects of glucose oxidase and organic acids on low sodium dough handling and freezable water content produced with Harvest and Pembina CWRS Wheat” – Erin J. Hopkins, Pierre J. Hucl, Martin G Scanlon and Michael T. Nickerson.  Martin was also a co-author on the poster presented by Mia Wang of the department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences at the meeting: “Use of non-contact ultrasonic technique to assess white salted noodle texture” – Huiqin Wang; Reine-Marie Guillermic; Sébastien O. Kerhervé; Anatoliy Strybulevych; Dave W. Hatcher, John H. Page and Martin G. Scanlon.

Peter Jones, Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, presented “Nutrigenetics: What does the future hold?” at the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology on October 26 at the Delta Winnipeg.

Direct breastfeeding in the first three months of life appears to provide more protection against childhood asthma than either infant formula or expressed breastmilk, according to new findings from AllerGen’s CHILD Study. The research was conducted by Meghan Azad, adjunct in Food and Human Nutritional Sciences and a leader in The Manitoba Personalized Lifestyle Research (TMPLR) project.  Read more at

Bhanu Pilli, fourth year FHNS student and 2017 Undergraduate Research Award recipient, presented the poster “Food Beyond Borders: Food Experiences of International Students at the University of Manitoba” at the UM Undergraduate Student Poster Competition on October 26.



Rick Holley, Food Science Professor Emeritus, was quoted in the story “Health experts raise concerns over cannabis drinks amid lack of details from Ottawa” on BNN (November 3) –

Peter Jones, Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, was quoted in the Winnipeg Free Press (November 3) article “Throat spray proven effective for fighting cold, flu” – excerpted at

Katherine Stanley, Plant Science, was highlighted in the story “Manitoba Organic Alliance names agronomist” in the Manitoba Co-operator (November 2) – page 18 at

Nazim Cicek, Biosystems Engineering, wrote the op-ed “Biomass fuels a unique opportunity for Manitoba” in the Winnipeg Free Press (October 31) –

Peter Jones, Richardson Centre for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, was quoted in the article “Removing health claim from soy milk a ‘bad move’: Canadian expert” in MetroNews (October 31) –

The passing of Walter Bushuk, retired Food Science Professor Emeritus, was noted in the article “Celebrated Canadian cereal chemist Walter Bushuk passes away” in the Manitoba Co-operator  (October 26) –



Wheat flour doughs are principally composed of starch and hydrated gluten. Understanding how each of these components contribute to the properties of dough is aided by fabrication of model doughs where the amount of starch can be manipulated.  A study led by Filiz Koksel in Food and Human Nutritional Sciences showed that loose starch granules in these systems behaved differently to those embedded in gluten in normal dough. In particular, the free movement of gas between bubbles within the dough was slowed by the presence of the starch granules. – Koksel, F; Strybulevych, A ; Page, JH; Scanlon, MG. (2017). Ultrasonic investigation of the effects of composition on the volume fraction of bubbles and changes in their relative sizes in non-yeasted gluten-starch blend doughs. Journal of Food Engineering. 204: 1-7.

Xu, S; Amarakoon, ID; Zaheer, R; Sura, S; Reuter, T; Zvomuya, F; Cessna, AJ; Larney, FJ; McAllister, TA. Dissipation of antimicrobials and resistance genes in compost originating from cattle manure after direct oral administration or post-excretion fortification of antimicrobials. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 95: 245-245.

Moghadasian, M., Zhao, R., Ghazzawi, N., Le, K., Apea-Bah, F., Beta, T., and Shen, G. (2017) Inhibitory effects of North American wild rice on monocyte adhesion and inflammatory modulators in LDL receptor-knockout mice. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry 65 (41): 9054-9060.

Slater, J, Epp-Koop, S, Jakilazek, M, Green, C. 2017. Food deserts in Winnipeg, Canada:  A novel method for measuring a complex and contested construct. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. 37(10): 350-356.



Certificate of Merit Call for Nominations – The Certificate of Merit is presented by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and the School of Agriculture in recognition of leadership with agricultural organizations and outstanding service to the community at large. Each year two Certificates of Merit are presented, normally, one to a graduate of the Agriculture Diploma program, and one to a graduate of the Agriculture Degree program. Nominations are considered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Executive Committee and must be received no later than January 12, 2018. Nominations should include a letter from the nominator describing the nominee’s leadership contributions and service to the community.  Letters of support may also be included. More information including a list of previous recipients can be found at

Bees and Trees!  Beekeeping for the Hobbyist runs 9 Wednesdays beginning January 17, 2018 – learn more or register via The Manitoba Arborists’ Training & Licensing Course has its next in-class and online course intake in January 2018 – visit


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