Add Libraries workshops to your Experience Record
Develop your academic skills for future success with library workshops
Participation in any UM Libraries workshops series can now be recognized on a student’s Experience Record.
Prepare for the future with an Experience Record
Participation in experiential learning opportunities like library workshops can be reflected on your Experience Record, a tool intended to support and document your experience and educational growth throughout your time at UM. Your official Experience Record can help you articulate achievements and skills to potential employers, graduate schools, or scholarship committees and provide you with clear understanding of the transferable skills you gain from co-curricular activities.
Qualify for Experience Record notation with library workshops
Library workshops provide the opportunity to learn essentials skills for current and future academic success, from introductory workshops on how to search the library, to advanced workshops on research skills. Workshops are available for undergraduate and graduate students and are offered both online and in-person.
The following library workshops series can now be added to your Experience Record:
- Library Essentials: Complete a minimum of three Library Essentials workshops and up to two other workshops offered by the Libraries to qualify.
- Graduate Student Research Workshop Series: Complete at least five of six sessions to qualify.
- Systematic Review Workshop Series: Complete all five sessions to qualify.
Students can apply here to have the Library Essentials or Graduate Student Research workshop series recognized, while students attending the Systematic Review workshop series will have their attendance confirmed by the instructors.
View the Libraries’ events calendar to register for upcoming workshops.