A whale of a tale: Biological Sciences student “Science, Action!” video
Curious to see life from a whale’s perspective? Then you should watch the video that Biological Sciences students Kelsey Johnson, Julia Gulka and Paloma Carvalho submitted for the (NSERC) competition titled: Science, Action!
Their piece has won a spot in the top 75 entries, and it’s your video views that will determine whether or not the 60-second spot (called “One Fish to Bring Them All) will advance to the next round. Watch it below!
Working out of Professor Gail Davoren’s lab, the video shows lab members on land and sea in Newfoundland, encountering humpback whales, capelin, cod and a variety of seabirds. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the fieldwork done by these budding researchers on capelin and their marine predators.
“When we found out our video was selected, we started planning how to promote our video immediately. We would be ecstatic to win, but I think we are the most proud to have our video being viewed by the public to promote our exciting research.” – Kelsey Johnson, MSc student.
Davoren is also thrilled with her students’ achievement, and is hopeful that the video will garner enough views to move on to the next round of the competition.
“When my students told me that their video had made it into the top 75 in the NSERC Action competition, I was very proud of their hard work as a team. We all see this as an excellent opportunity to make our research more accessible to the public and to get people excited about marine ecology.”
The 25 videos with the most views by March 2nd will go on to compete for one of 15 cash prizes, and will be featured as part of museum exhibits, science fairs and during Science Odyssey and Science Literacy Week. In order to view and support the Davoren lab’s contribution, please go to the following link:
That’s nice