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MMSF Dr. F.W. Duval Clinical Research Professorship Award announcement

March 30, 2016 — 

The Manitoba Medical Service Foundation and the University of Manitoba, invite applications from individuals as candidates for the MMSF Dr. F.W. Du Val Clinical Research Professorship Award, to be effective July 1, 2016, or later by arrangement. The intent of the award is to promote clinical research at the University of Manitoba for the general benefit of health research in Manitoba by supporting clinical scientists in the early stages of a successful research career as a health care professional scientist.

Candidates must be judged to be in the early stages of a successful research career as a health care professional scientist, have been engaged in independent research for not more than 7 years and should have received one or more grants from a national granting agency, such as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. He/she should have a satisfactory publication record in peer-reviewed journals demonstrating his/her career potential. Candidates must be physicians or health care professionals licensed to practice in Manitoba with a faculty appointment at the University of Manitoba and must be engaged in research related to the health field.

The Award is given for a period of three years. It may not be held concurrently with another personal career award and is not renewable. The Award consists of a contribution to the awardee’s salary (including benefits) of $50,000 per annum during the three-year term. Successful candidate(s) must guarantee a 50% time commitment to research. The appointment will be subject to annual reviews. A one-year term grant-in-aid to the appointee of up to $20,000 may be made during the first year of the appointment.

Applicants shall complete the Research Module which can be found at:

The original plus six copies of the application, with supporting letters of recommendation, must be submitted no later than May 6, 2016 to:

The Assistant Dean (Research) College of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Manitoba Room S212 Medical Services Building 750 Bannatyne Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3W 0W2


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