Statement on the final day of the TRC’s closing ceremonies
At its closing ceremonies in Ottawa yesterday, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) released its extensive findings on Canada’s Residential School System. The report will impact and guide our country in our pursuit of reconciliation and in creating an improved relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
I had the privilege of attending the moving and inspiring TRC events yesterday, as part of the University of Manitoba’s commitment to honouring the Sacred Trust that is being handed from the TRC to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, which is located at the University of Manitoba. It is vital that the dialogue around reconciliation continues, that we recognize a shared history that was so harmful to Indigenous peoples, and that we all learn the truth about the Residential School System.
The University of Manitoba is dedicated to furthering the important work of the TRC, and we made this commitment as part of our Statement of Apology and Reconciliation, delivered to the TRC and Survivors in 2011. Indigenous Achievement is a strategic priority for our University and our vision is to make Manitoba a centre of excellence for Indigenous education and research.
Now, as the TRC completes its mandate, the U of M strengthens these commitments at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, where Survivors, students, faculty and all Canadians can engage with the archives and develop a new understanding of our past and future together.