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group picture including Star Wars characters for world premiere of Star Wars-Ojibwe version at Winnipeg Centennial Concert Hall on Aug. 8, 2024

Photo: Mike Sudoma

What’s up on Disney Plus: Premiere of Star Wars: A New Hope – Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Version

August 9, 2024 — 

A good overview of the official premiere of Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading), A New Hope, held last night at the Centennial Concert Hall on Aug. 8.

It’s in select Cineplex theatres starting Saturday, Aug. 10. 

Star Wars (Anangong Miigaading), A New Hope will premiere on Sunday, 13th October 2024 at 6pm PT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET on both the APTN and APTN Languages channel. The film will make its debut on Disney+ on to be announced at a further date.

You can read more at What’s Up on Disney Plus.

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