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Hospital Preceptor of the year, Jennifer Fotti (left), receiving her award from Miss Kelly Brink, College of Pharmacy

Hospital Preceptor of the year, Jennifer Fotti (left), receiving her award from Miss Kelly Brink, College of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Preceptor Awards 2014

October 8, 2014 — 

Students in pharmacy learn from the best. With dozens of highly qualified preceptors in Manitoba and around the world, the Preceptor of the Year awards are a very prestigious honour. The 2014 Preceptors of the Year, selected by students during the 2013-2014 academic year, were presented at the White Coat and Student Awards Ceremony.

Hospital Preceptor of the Year – Jennifer Fotti – Brandon Regional Health Center

Jennifer graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2009. She currently works at Brandon Regional Health Center where she spent over two years in psychiatry and recently transitioned to surgery. In her spare time she has enrolled in a Pharm D. program (Colorado). Teaching is something Jennifer is passionate about; she has completed numerous teaching sessions about psychiatric medicines for a variety of audiences including nurses and physicians. She has also presented at conferences including the National Schizophrenia Conference and P.I.E.C.E.S conference.

On precepting students – what works for her?

She thinks it’s important to ask students what areas they’re interested in and give them many opportunities to be exposed to different areas. Ashley Ewasiuk (Class of 2014) said “Jennifer was determined to make my hospital rotation a success. Throughout my rotation Jennifer provided me with the perfect combination of independence and support. She also challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and experience parts of the hospital that I was less interested in or comfortable with. Jennifer was always approachable and through riveting therapeutic discussions we were able to learn from one another. She is hardworking, productive and a highly valued member of the team on her ward. She genuinely cares about her patients and this compassion is demonstrated every day through her work.”

Community Preceptor of the Year – Hilary Bohn – Shoppers Drug Mart (River & Osborne)

Hilary graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy in 2008 and has worked for Shoppers Drug Mart at the River and Osborne location for just under 6 years. She has completed the Immunization and Injection training that was recently released as an Expanded Scope of Pharmaceutical Practice and has worked with fertility medicines for better patient care.

On precepting students – what works for her?

Hilary Bohn, Community Preceptor of the Year

Hilary Bohn, Community Preceptor of the Year

Hilary feels it’s very important to make the student feel comfortable. She asks them what areas they think they need to improve upon and together they work on these skills. This collaborative

approach helps students feel ownership over their own learning and take pride in their accomplishments when they master it. Hilary said she enjoys precepting students as it keeps her up to date with what’s new in practice, something all pharmacists should strive towards. Chelsea Kokan (Class of 2014) said Hilary sees students as a valuable member of the team who bring a new perspective on issues. “She is very knowledgeable about pharmacy practice and is engaged in the changes in the profession.” She empowers her students to direct their own learning and challenges students with medication therapy questions and dilemmas.

Pharmacy Team of the Year – MEDISYSTEM Alentex, a subsidiary of Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation

Primary Preceptors: Sarah Myk, Stephanie Warnez, Julie Choy and Robin Hidlebaugh

The primary preceptors also want to acknowledge the entire staff at Alentex, as they are all involved precepting the students. At this site a student will spend time some time in each area of Alentex before meeting with their preceptors to select a focus for their rotation. They are truly a highly effective team.

On precepting students – what’s worked for them?

They want to make the experience what the student wants it to be not what they, as preceptors, want it to be. They do a significant amount of pre-planning the rotation before the student arrives to make the student feel welcome and that their role is clear. They provide the student with a space they can call home for their rotation. They acknowledge they all have different precepting styles and they use that to their advantage.

Michelle Hryciw (Class of 2014) said she has never worked in as positive an environment as Alentex Pharmacy. The entire staff is friendly, welcoming and always ready to lend a fellow co-worker a hand. Each pharmacist was more than willing to let me be involved directly with their work and ask for my professional opinions and advice. Despite being only a student, I felt valued as any other member of the pharmacy team.

The Alentex Pharmacy Team; Back row: Kim, Sophon, Megan, Stephanie, Sarah, Kathleen, Meghan; Middle row: Shianne, Jerrod, Ally, Julie, Melissa, Joan, Donna, Josephine; Front row: Robin, Maribel, Ryan, Nenette, Mac

The Alentex Pharmacy Team; Back row: Kim, Sophon, Megan, Stephanie, Sarah, Kathleen, Meghan; Middle row: Shianne, Jerrod, Ally, Julie, Melissa, Joan, Donna, Josephine; Front row: Robin, Maribel, Ryan, Nenette, Mac


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