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Dr. Lisa Landrum

Dr. Lisa Landrum

Dr. Lisa Landrum elected to the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada College of Fellows

June 27, 2019 — 

Dr. Lisa Landrum, Associate Professor and Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Architecture, is among two Manitoba architects elected to the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) College of Fellows for 2019. RAIC Fellowship recognizes outstanding achievement for design excellence, exceptional scholarly contribution, and/or distinguished service to the profession or the community.

Verne Reimer, founding principal of Verne Reimer Architecture in Winnipeg and University of Manitoba alumnus (B.E.S. 1975 and M.Arch 1979), is the other Manitoba architect recognized with fellowship in 2019.

The RAIC College of Fellows Convocation takes place in Koerner Hall at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto on October 29, 2019.

A full list of the 2019 RAIC Fellows and further information is available on the RAIC College of Fellows website and Canadian Architect.


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