Get a Faculty of Architecture Co-op student working for you!
Want to diversify your team with skilled assistance, attract new talent, and mentor emerging professionals?
Help build the next generation of designers: Hire a Co-op Student today!
Our students are excited to contribute to your business and build a better world. Here’s how they describe themselves:
“A team player with experience and skills in a variety of software including Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, Vectorworks & GIS.”
“Passionate, ambitious and enthusiastic – eager to acquire new knowledge.”
“Hard working, determined, and high achieving. Organized and detail-oriented… Open minded and curious, works well in collaboration with others… adapts quickly to new conditions.”
“Passionate about social and environmental sustainability.”
“A driven hard worker who understands the importance of listening and contributing to both the personal and working environment to function as both individuals and team players. Led through experience, proven to be a perfectionist, creative, and customer-oriented individual.”
Employers schedule for hiring 2022 Summer Students:
- Job posting: January to April
- Application Review: according to the employer’s deadline
- Interviews and Offers: determined by the employer
- Work Term Start Date: May (exact date determined by the employer)
- Work Term End Date: August (or later for 8, 12, or 16-month work terms)
Co-op work terms must be full-time, paid positions for a minimum of 10-weeks. Employers may be qualified for Manitoba Paid Work Experience Tax Credits and other hiring incentives.
Are you ready to post an opportunity?
Send the following details to faumcoop [at] umanitoba [dot] ca
- Job title
- Job Location
- Length of Term
- Job Description
- Job Requirements/ qualifications
The Co-operative Education / Integrated Work Program is available to students at both undergraduate and graduate levels in all disciplines: Environmental Design, Architecture, City Planning, Interior Design and Landscape Architecture.
For more information on the Faculty of Architecture Co-op Program please visit us online: https://umanitoba.ca/architecture/cooperative-education#employers