image credit: Canadian Architect
In the news: FAUM alumni recognized with 2022 Canadian Architect Awards of Excellence
We are pleased to congratulate the many Faculty of Architecture alumni who were among the recipients of Awards of Excellence announced by Canadian Architect on December 1, 2002!
Pat Hanson (1981 M.Arch.), GH3*
S2 Architecture (Architect of Record) and gh3* (Design Architect)
Project: Blatchford District Energy Sharing System Sewage Heat Exchange
Diarmuid Nash, (1974 B.E.S., 1979 M.Arch.), Moriyama & Teshima Architects
Eladia Smoke (2008 M.Arch.), Smoke Architecture
Project: Mukwa Waakaa’igan Indigenous Centre of Cultural Excellence
Jim Siemens, (1991 B.E.S., 1997 M.Arch.), Oxbow Architecture
Anna Ringstrom (1988 B.A., 1995 M.L.Arch.), Oxbow Architecture
Brad Pickard (2011 B.Env.), Oxbow Architecture
Richard Kroeker, (1976 B.E.S.)
Project: Muscowpetung Powwow Arbour
Awards of Merit
D’Arcy Jones, (1995 B.Env.D., 1999 M.Arch.)
Project: Hornby Island Arts Centre
Photo Awards of Merit
Jacqueline Young (2011 B.Env.D.)
Project: The Builder
Project: Kenaston Building Blanket
Student Award of Excellence, Johnathan Lum (2022 M.Arch.)
Project: Chaos & Control: Complexity of natural systems and the industrialized condition
To see a full list of the projects and designers recognized please check out the following link: https://www.canadianarchitect.com/winners-of-the-2022-canadian-architect-awards-of-excellence-announced/