Rendering by 1st place winners Danielle Dubois and Holly Friesen
2022 Barkman Concrete Design Competition Winners Announced
The Barkman Concrete design competition is open to any student enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba and a required assignment for students in the course EVLU 4002 taught by John Harper. This year, the task was to design, lay out, and detail geometric shapes or systems into a pattern for a new concrete product line of pavers, wall units and furniture.
Congratulations to the winners:
1st Place – BOLD Simplicity
Danielle Dubois
Holly Friesen
2nd place – The Onion
Jia Garcia
Myles O’Toole
Victor Sarzynski
3rd place – Influx
Jen Bergen
Conrad Jabo
Brandon Nacionales

2nd place winner – The Onion

3rd place winner – Influx
The 1st place design utilizes the basic but bold shape of the triangle as a pattern to direct movement and create visual focus as a concrete paver, wall unit and planter. The triangle design is imagined to make simple shapes or complex patterns while being user-friendly, visually interesting and contemporary.
The paver design uses the triangle within a square, creating a versatile user-friendly pattern that is easily repositioned to interject energy, focus, and direction in a space. The wall unit design imagines a contemporary triangle accent to create visual interest and the illusion of depth as a garden wall, retaining wall or freestanding wall. The triangle planter design imagines a sleek and modern shape, and is designed with the intention to be used individually or combined to form other configurations.
A special thank you to Alan Barkman, Scott Barkman, Brian Pries, August Wiens, Garry Funk, Mark Hiebert, Wayne Patram and Wayne Wiebe from Barkman Concrete Ltd. for jurying the entries.