2017-18 U of M Board of Governors announced
The University of Manitoba is pleased to announce the 2017-18 Board of Governors.
The Board is responsible for overseeing the administrative and business affairs of the University, including approving the annual budget and appointing and monitoring the performance of the President and Vice-Chancellor.
The Board consists of 23 members: the Chancellor, the President, 12 members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, three members elected by the graduates of the University, three members appointed by the University of Manitoba Students’ Union and three members elected by the Senate of the University.
The Vice-Chair and Chair of the Board of Governors are elected annually by the Board.
The 2017-2018 Board of Governors consists of:
Harvey Secter, Chancellor
David T. Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor
Appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-In-Council
Steve Demmings
Laurel Hyde
Hillary Kroeker
Kathryn Lee
Judi Linden
Jane MacKenzie
Heather Maxted
Rafi Mohammed
Marc Mollot
Maryam Moshiri
Kimber Osiowy
Michael Silicz
Elected by Senate
John Anderson
Jonathan Beddoes
Jeff Taylor
Elected by Alumni
Shona Connelly
Jeff Lieberman
Jerome Knysh
Appointed by the University of Manitoba Students’ Union
Tanjit Nagra
Allison Kilgour
Carl Neumann