Retired food scientist named distinguished professor emeritus
At the U of M’s Honouring Emeriti ceremony held October 11, 2018, retired food science distinguished professor Dr. Rick Holley was named Distinguished Professor Emeritus in honour of his many contributions in the field of food safety. Not only did Dr. Holley dedicate his research and academic career to the study of food microbiology and processing, over the years he responded to hundreds of media and public inquiries about food safety.
Dr. Holley’s citation reads:
Dr. Richard Holley B.Sc. (Agr.) (Macdonald), M.Sc. (McGill), PhD (Guelph) Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Dr. Richard Holley’s research contributions transformed the understanding of risks related to food processing, storage and handling. He established a national and international reputation in his field.
When Canada experienced a serious outbreak of listeriosis in 2008, Canada’s chief veterinary officer noted that Dr. Holley’s expertise, insight and outreach were critical in creating greater awareness and understanding. For his work in food safety public education, he was awarded the Ralph Campbell Outreach Award.
His vision and enthusiasm as an educator, researcher and mentor drew students and funding. A full professor since 1994 and a distinguished professor since 2010, he led an internationally recognized program in microbial ecology of foods, natural antimicrobials and zoonotic pathogens, attracting over $4 million in research funds and generating 245 refereed publications and popular articles, as well as a book. Dr. Holley also served as department head and created the flagship Food 1000 course and produced several short courses for health professionals.
He is a member of the academic advisory panel of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and provides media interviews on food safety. He also sits on international food security and food safety committees and served in numerous leadership, editorial and adjudication capacities, including Killam Prize panels.
Throughout his career, Dr. Holley received many distinctions, including a University Merit Award, a Science Technology Award (Canadian Meat Council) and the WJ Eva Award for Outstanding Research in Food from the Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology (CIFST). He is a fellow of the CIFST and International Union of Food Science & Technology.
The University of Manitoba is honoured to confer upon Dr. Richard Holley the title of Distinguished Professor Emeritus.
I, and many others, owe a debt of gratitude to this man – Padre as he was called lovely by many a UoM Food Science student. I thank you Rick for everything you have done for me, the field of food safety and the department of Food Science at UoM. I still treasure the memories of your Meat Science course, experiments with you in the Pilot Plant, and conversations in your office (if I couldn’t find you outside getting fresh air). Congratulations on all your accomplishments!