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October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month!

September 26, 2016 — 

The world we live in today is more connected than ever. Whether we realize it or not, the Internet touches many aspects of our daily life. This means that each of us needs to do our part to ensure that our online lives are kept safe and secure.

And that’s what National Cyber Security Awareness Month is all about.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month, observed each October, is an annual campaign to raise awareness about cyber security, to provide people with tools and resources needed to stay safe online and to increase resilience in the event of a cyber incident.

This year, the University of Manitoba will be recognizing National Cyber Security Awareness month with initiatives and communications that engage and educate users.

Students, Faculty and Administrative Support staff:

Watch for weekly communications on how to recognize cyber incidents along with quick, easy ways that you can protect yourself while connected.

Faculty and Administrative Staff only:

As announced in the President’s letter about online security and the dangers of phishing attacks, watch for periodic emails simulating real phishing attacks.

Join us during the month of October as we work to build awareness about safety, security, and engaging responsibly online.

Remember, information security starts with you!


For more information about cyber security, visit the IST Security and Compliance web page at:

Read more about cyber security:

Phishing alert: When in doubt, toss it out!

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