Inspiring Minds through Experiential Learning
Co-op Program Launched in the Faculty of Architecture
The Faculty of Architecture is pleased to announce that its Cooperative Education program is now fully approved and moving ahead. Job placements will begin May 2018.
Ready to hire a Co-op student? Post your job opportunity here.
The Co-op program is designed to complement and enrich our current academic programs with work experience. Work terms will provide students with practical experience, assistance in financing their education, and guidance for future career specialization.
This optional integrated work program is open to graduate students in all four professional programs – Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design and City Planning – as well as undergraduate students in the third or fourth year of the Environmental Design program. Students in the Architecture Master Preparation program may also participate.
The new program responds to feedback from various sources, including a recent alumni survey and an undergraduate student experience working group. It fulfills the University of Manitoba’s priority of “inspiring minds” by increasing opportunities for experiential learning, as outlined in the strategic plan Taking our Place (2015-20).
Since announcing the program to students in November 2017, the response has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. Students are keen “to make connections” – “broaden horizons” – “develop skills” – “apply knowledge” – “tackle new responsibilities” – “confront challenges” – and “make meaningful contributions to improving the built environment.”
Together with students, the Co-op program will strengthen and proliferate connections between academic and professional communities. The Faculty of Architecture has many long-standing relationships with industry partners, supported by the Partners Program. These entail research collaborations, curriculum contributions, mentorship opportunities and generous partner-supported endowments for cultural events, student awards and bursaries. The Co-op program formalizes and expands these mutually beneficial partnerships regionally, nationally and internationally. In addition, the program meets the Manitoba Government definition of Cooperative Education, making employers of Co-op students eligible for the Manitoba Paid Work Experience Tax Credit. This means employers can claim 15% of wages and salaries, up to a maximum of $5,000 per student.
Already a Success
University Senate endorsed the Co-op program at its meeting of December 6, 2017. While this new program is only just being launched, a pilot placement prefigured its success. Environmental Design student Halley Sveinson, worked in Iqaluit as a Facility Planner for the Government of Nunavut from January to December 2017. This opportunity came to the Faculty of Architecture via the Co-operative Education and Industrial Internship Program (Co-op/IIP) in the Faculty of Engineering, which has a strong track record of student placements. Halley will complete her Environmental Design degree in Winter 2018, now having 12-months of valuable experience working for and with northern communities. For an interview with Halley about her experience in Iqaluit, see Appreciating the North.
For information on the Co-op process from the students’ perspective, see here.
To post your job opportunity see here.
QUESTIONS should be directed to Corrine.Klekta@umanitoba.ca (Co-op Coordinator) or Lisa.Landrum@umanitoba.ca (Associate Dean (Research) and Co-op Academic Liaison).