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Help shape education for sustainability at U of M

November 1, 2018 — 

When you think of sustainability in education, you likely associate it with environmentally focused faculties like Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources. The part that most people miss is that sustainability is a broad term and when thought about holistically, can incorporate all aspects of education that takes place within universities. Sustainability incorporates the environmental, economic and social aspects of how our world functions. By teaching students from all faculties about all aspects of sustainability, we are creating and encouraging a responsible future workforce. We are preparing students to head out of university equipped with a well-rounded knowledge base and tools to tackle future economic, social and environmental challenges associated with our ever-changing world.

The University of Manitoba, Board of Governor’s approved, Sustainability Strategy 2016-2018 outlines actions to encourage sustainability education within all aspects of the university. Thus far, the University offers an impressive 1,060 sustainability-related courses to students! In addition, faculty members and staff are encouraging student participation in sustainability initiatives all across campus. Projects like the UMCycle Bike Kiosk Design Build Project, the Bee House Labs, the campus Permaculture Garden which linked sociology and community development to the environment and the sustainability marketing stream of Asper School of Business are great examples of sustainability in education.

This fall, a workshop is being held to encourage faculty to share their thoughts on how to encourage education for sustainability on campus. The workshop will explore the approaches, opportunities and barriers around educating for sustainability at the University of Manitoba. The outcomes of the workshops will help form the foundation for the Goals and Strategic Actions framed in the upcoming renewal of the Sustainability Strategy 2019-2024.

The workshop will be take place at The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, located at 223-65 Dafoe Road on Friday, November 30 from 12:00 – 4:00 PM. 

All faculty are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to the Eventbrite page by November 26, 2018.

Lunch will be provided.  Please note: This is an additional offering of the workshop that was offered in May/June 2018 – If you attended the spring session, you do not have to attend this session.

Look for the results of these sessions on UMToday. 

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