Dr. Ayesha Saleem studies how exercise combats chronic disease at the molecular level. Could she be the perfect fit for your undergraduate research journey?
Finding your undergraduate research mentor
As we shared with you last week, the sky is literally the limit for the Undergraduate Research Award.
2018 recipient Kaitlyn Tymko also gave us a glimpse into the simple application process. Identifying a professor to conduct research with is one of those necessary and important steps.
The Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management is complete with a team of experienced, award-winning, and trailblazing faculty members to help guide an undergraduate research journey.
One of those professors is Dr. Ayesha Saleem. Conducting research in her lab means:
- cutting edge science that investigates cellular mechanisms of organ cross-talk
- experiments to deduce how endurance exercise affects this conversation between cells/tissues
- analyze whether this cellular conversation changes during imposed conditions of chronic disease
Furthermore, as a trainee in her lab, you’ll have access to a number of professional development opportunities, including, but not limited, to:
- learning how to analyze, and interpret scientific data
- acquiring scientific writing skills to produce reports, research abstracts, and original research articles
- honing your public speaking and presentation skills as you present your work, and scientific papers at journal clubs, seminars and/or conference presentations,
- developing networking skills as you work in a collaborative research environment at The Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) and learn about innovative and groundbreaking scientific experiments being conducted by researchers at the University of Manitoba
The Undergraduate Research Awards offer:
- A rewarding experience for students to be mentored full-time with a professor of their choice for 16 weeks (May to August) and to gain valuable experience in their field of interest.
- a $7,000 monetary award
- and is a recognized University of Manitoba Co-Curricular Record activity
Application deadline is January 25.