Back row--Mario Phaneuf, Alex Simard, Michael MacCarthy, Front row-- Alicia Hill, Katrine Leveque and Kyle Monkman.(M. James Harper and Ella Nabess are absent)
ENGAP Graduates Celebrated
The Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) is very proud to celebrate the successful achievements of eight Indigenous Engineering graduates this spring!
The Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) is very proud to celebrate the successful achievements of eight Indigenous Engineering graduates this spring! On March 22nd, 2017, ENGAP provided a warm and enthusiastic celebration dinner of 163 guests for the eight graduates, their families, friends, faculty and the supporting community. The eight graduates are M. James Harper—Mechanical, Alicia Hill—Mechanical, Katrine Levesque—Civil, Michael MacCarthy—Computer, Kyle Monkman—Electrical, Ella Nabess—Mechanical, Mario Phaneuf—Electrical and Alex Simard—Civil, bringing the total number of ENGAP graduates to 118. The evening began with a blessing for the dinner by graduate M. James Harper’s Kokum (grandmother) spoken in both Cree and English. The Director of ENGAP, Randy Herrmann welcomed the many financial supporters of ENGAP such as the Faculty of Engineering, Manitoba Hydro, Lafarge, Hatch Ltd., Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Manitoba Aerospace, Vector Construction, Shell Canada and special guests, including Dean Jonathan Beddoes of the Faculty of Engineering and Gerry Price of Price Industries. Jerry Henderson, a past ENGAP graduate arrived from Calgary to EMCEE the special evening.

Métis graduates receiving their sash
A special gift was presented to each of the graduates and a tribute speech was prepared about their academic journeys. The tributes were heartfelt, highlighting their many talents and successes as well as challenges along the way. Speaking of talents, the evening entertainment was performed by graduates Alicia Hill, a singer and songwriter playing her ukulele and Michael MacCarthy, singing along with his guitar.
Five of the Métis graduates were called upon to receive a beautiful red Metis sash, presented by Sharon Parenteau of the Louis Riel Institute. In addition, the three First Nation graduates were each presented with a small pair of moccasins by ENGAP staff Diana Klassen. The evening culminated with a fund raising silent auction where baskets of various gifts and Indigenous paintings were won by the guests. The amazing amount of $1500 was raised from this event and donated to a student run automotive group called the Shell ecoMotion Team—headed by ENGAP graduate M. James Harper. They are designing and building a completely electric car to be entered into a competition this spring in Detroit, Michigan.
So delighted to hear about the Grads from the ENGAP . Congratulations to them all – a wonderful achievement for them & their families as well as great role models to other Indigenous young people. All the best in your future.
It is wonderful to hear about success stories like this one – keep up the great work!
ENGAP is such a great program! Keep up the good work you guys. Congratulations graduates!!