(L-R) Dr. Harvey Secter, Chancellor, Dr. Donald Smyth, Ms. Jan Horner, Mr. John Eaton, Dr. Albert Chudley, Dr. Susan Arntfield, Dr. Lindsay Nicolle, Dr. Ioan Ciric, Dr. Joanne Keselman, Dr. Byron Southern, Ms. Elaine Goldie, Dr. Attahiru Alfa, Dr. Jonathan Young, Ms. Deborah McCallum, Dr. Phillip Gardiner, Dr. Janice Ristock, Provost & Vice-President (Academic), Dr. David Barnard, President & Vice-Chancellor.
Emeriti titles presented at evening ceremony
On Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017, 15 exemplary past vice-presidents, librarians, and scholars were honoured for their world-class service and profound influence by former students, colleagues, and academics at the U of M’s Honouring Emeriti ceremony.
This fall, three categories of honours were awarded: Librarian Emeritus/Emerita, Professor Emeritus/Emerita, and new this year – Vice-President Emeritus.
This latter category was created in recognition of the exceptional contributions senior administrators make to the development of the University. The honorees in this category were Dr. Joanne Keselman, Ms. Deborah McCallum, and Ms. Elaine Goldie.
Dr. David T. Barnard, president and vice-chancellor of the U of M, noted: “These three honourees have each rendered many years of distinguished service, and I think it is most fitting that the University, for the first time in its history, confer the title of Vice-President Emeritus upon them.”
As an alumna, academic, and administrator, Dr. Joanne Keselman was an integral part of the University of Manitoba’s story for more than four decades. She was presented with the title Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Emeritus for her visionary leadership and exceptional commitment to higher education that helped chart the course for numerous successes and awards.
For decades, Ms. Deborah McCallum dedicated herself to improving our university community. She was most passionate about revitalizing the infrastructure of the U of M by overseeing major construction projects such as the Apotex Centre, EITC, the Helen Glass Centre, and the transformational repurposing of Taché Hall. For her outstanding dedication, Ms. McCallum was awarded the title of Vice-President (Administration) Emeritus.
Over the course of her 24-year career at the University of Manitoba, Ms. Elaine Goldie changed what the University could and would become. As the U of M’s first Vice-President (External), she transformed External Relations and led the era of eight-figure gifts. By her retirement, Elaine had helped raise $525 million for the University. Ms. Goldie was awarded the title Vice-President (External) Emeritus.
In addition to these three special honours, 12 additional emeriti were recognized during this year’s Honouring Emeriti ceremony: Mr. John Eaton – Libraries (Librarian Emeritus); Ms. Jan Horner – Libraries (Librarian Emerita); Dr. Attahiru Alfa – Faculty of Engineering (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Susan Arntfield – Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (Professor Emerita); Dr. Albert Chudley – Max Rady College of Medicine (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Ioan Ciric – Faculty of Engineering (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Phillip Gardiner – Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Sally Longstaffe – Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Lindsay Nicolle – Max Rady College of Medicine (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Donald Smyth – Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (Professor Emeritus); Dr. Byron Southern- Faculty of Science (Professor Emeritus) and Dr. Jonathan Young – Faculty of Education (Professor Emeritus).
Individuals nominated for the title Emeritus or Emerita must have rendered distinguished service to the University through their teaching, research, and scholarship.
Emeriti titles are one of several awards given annually by the university in celebrating and recognizing the success of colleagues and other distinguished individuals. Faculty are encouraged to make nominations. See more on the university awards nomination process.