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Community input sought for Behavioural Policies review

November 9, 2015 — 

The University of Manitoba is seeking community feedback with regard to a review of the following current governing documents: the Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy, the Violent or Threatening Behaviour Policy, the Inappropriate or Disruptive Student Behaviour Policy, and the Student Discipline Bylaw.

The review of the U of M’s behavioural policies is being undertaken by a broad working group with representation from units that support in administering these governing documents. The working group consists of: Susan Gottheil, vice-provost (students), Jeff Leclerc, university secretary; Jay Doering, vice-provost (graduate education) and dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies; Greg Juliano, associate vice-president (human resources); Naomi Andrew, general counsel and director, fair practices and legal affairs; Alan Scott, chief risk officer; Jackie Gruber, human rights and conflict management officer; Brandy Usick, director, student advocacy and accessibility; Maria Versace, legal counsel for the U of M; and Marcia Yoshida, student appeals officer.

The proposed revision of these governing documents is being guided by the following concerns:

  • A need to ensure compliance with The Human Rights Code (Manitoba) and The Workplace Safety and Health Regulation (Manitoba);
  • A desire to more clearly outline and streamline the University’s response to sexual assault on campus;
  • A need for clarity with students and employees about behavioural expectations;
  • A need to respond to a changing environment, including the growing use of social media; and
  • A need for consistency in addressing student misconduct and concerning behaviour across the University.

A general overview of the proposed policy revisions can be found at:

Proposed changes to these governing documents will be presented at two noon-hour community consultation meetings: one on Monday Nov. 23 at Fort Garry campus and another on Thursday Nov. 26 at Bannatyne campus.

Feedback can also be submitted online to the website or to the email address

Community Consultations: Behavioural Policies

Fort Garry campus

543-544 University Centre
Monday Nov. 23
12 to 1:00 PM

Bannatyne campus

164 Apotex Centre
Thursday Nov. 26
12 to 1:00 PM

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