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solar eclipse News Archive

Faculty of Science

UM Eclipse viewing party media coverage

April 9, 2024 — 
UM Eclipse viewing party media coverage

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Join the solar eclipse viewing party on campus

April 8, 2024 — 
The moon will partially block the sun on the afternoon of Monday, April 8, and we invite you to view the eclipse with us (safely!) from 1:30 P.M. until 2:30 P.M. on the quad. Be one of the first 500 people to join us and we will provide you with free eclipse glasses.

Faculty of Science

CTV Winnipeg: ‘It’s quite rare’: Partial solar eclipse to be viewable in Manitoba next week

April 2, 2024 — 
CTV Winnipeg: 'It’s quite rare': Partial solar eclipse to be viewable in Manitoba next week

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