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louis riel day News Archive

Louis Riel, circa 1870


U of M community invited to participate in Louis Riel Day celebrations

February 12, 2019 — 
U of M celebration will take place on Friday, Feb. 15

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The U of M annual Louis Riel Day Celebration will take place Feb 15 at the Fort Garry campus


Louis Riel Day @umindigenous Instagram photo contest

February 11, 2019 — 
Share your photos with the Louis Riel statue outside of Migizii Agamik and you could win

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(L-R) Anita Campbell, minister of finance and human resources at the Louis Riel Capital Corporation, Métis students Laura Forsythe, Brad Boudreau and Jenna Vandal, and U of M president David Barnard

Photo gallery: Louis Riel Day 2018

February 20, 2018 — 
On Friday, Feb. 16, the fourth-annual Louis Riel Day celebrations took place at Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge in honour of Manitoba’s founding father


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