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Intimate partner violence News Archive

Dr. Kendra Nixon

Faculty of Social Work

Winnipeg Free Press: Hurtful home truths often overlooked

May 6, 2024 — 
Manitoba’s Domestic Violence Death Review Committee was established by the province in 2010 and is made up of officials from the justice system, the medical examiner’s office and researchers, among others, and was tasked to identify trends, risk factors and systemic concerns in certain domestic killings and to recommend changes. The committee, however, has sat idle for half a decade; its last annual report issued for the 2018-19 fiscal year.  The death review committee’s inaction doesn’t sit well with Prof. Kendra Nixon, who has been studying gender-based violence for over 25 years. “I don’t know if there isn’t the political will, or there isn’t the interest, or there’s been a shuffling of people and it just got dropped — I don’t know,” she said. To read the full article, please visit the Winnipeg Free Press.

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Professor Kendra Nixon

Faculty of Social Work

CBC Saskatchewan: Organization calling governments to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in the Prairies

March 1, 2024 — 
CBC Saskatchewan: Organization calling governments to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in the Prairies

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