Environment and Geography News Archive
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
Partners in the North
March 3, 2015 —
Over the ten-year history of the Riddell Faculty, numerous working relationships with organizations, communities, and institutions in Canada’s North have been developed. Two important partnerships, with the University College of the North (UCN) and the Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA), seek to provide greater access to training and educational opportunities for northern Manitobans.
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
First University College of the North transfer students graduate
February 3, 2015 —
Two recent graduates Michel Leclaire (B. Env. Sc. (Hons.) May 2013) and Nick Kosmenko (B. Env. Sc. (Hons.) May 2013) were the first students to have completed their degrees as part of a University College of the North (UCN) transfer agreement with the Riddell Faculty and the University of Manitoba. This initiative is open to graduates of the two Year Natural Resource Management Technology Diploma from University College of the North who may apply for admission into the Bachelor of Environmental Science program in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources. Successful applicants will be granted 60 credit hours of transfer credit on admission towards the completion of the 120 credit hour Bachelor of Environmental Science degree.
Arctic Partners
February 2, 2015 —
Dynamic trio brings together world's leading arctic climate scientists
CBC: Antarctic sea ice hits record high while the Arctic’s keeps melting
October 21, 2014 —
Climate change is playing a big role in both the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice conditions
Faculty of Science
What’s with the rain? Precipitation expert explains.
August 25, 2014 —
Expert in precipitation extremes talks about Winnipeg's heavy rainfall
Faculty of Science
The science of Sharknados, and why we like bad movies
July 30, 2014 —
Can a tornado pick up a shark and fling it at you or someone you love?
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
Study finds oil sands creating ‘perfect storm’ of danger to flora, fauna and people
July 7, 2014 —
News release
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
Riders on the storm
June 30, 2014 —
U of M's stormchasers will be weathering the storms of summer