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Arctic Research News Archive


ArcticNet publishes regional impact study for the Western and Central Canadian Arctic

October 27, 2015 — 
From Science to Policy in the Western and Central Canadian Arctic

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The research icebreaker CCGS Amundsen.

Research and International

Life at sea

August 20, 2015 — 
Read about arctic research team's transit up the St. Lawrence River, and surprise diversion that proves, on land and at sea, things don't always go to plan

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polar bear

Major arctic research announcement Monday

July 3, 2015 — 
The Churchill Marine Observatory will be the first of its kind in the world

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Research and International

Prof leads Atlantic Ocean research expedition

April 13, 2015 — 
Will help us understand harsh weather and how to avoid ice hazards

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Dean, Dr. Norman Halden at the ThoroughTec Cybermine underground mining simulator operating a load-haul-dumper at the Northern Manitoba Mining Academy. Photo Credits: Rob Penner.

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Partners in the North

March 3, 2015 — 
Over the ten-year history of the Riddell Faculty, numerous working relationships with organizations, communities, and institutions in Canada’s North have been developed. Two important partnerships, with the University College of the North (UCN) and the Northern Manitoba Mining Academy (NMMA), seek to provide greater access to training and educational opportunities for northern Manitobans.

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Arctic Partners

February 2, 2015 — 
Dynamic trio brings together world's leading arctic climate scientists

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Lecture: The Greenland Ice Sheet: Is it melting? What are the consequences?

January 29, 2015 — 
Today: Free public lecture by one of the world's leading climate change researchers


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Emily Choy, an explorer in the far North

January 12, 2015 — 
Graduate student Emily Choy talks about her goals, her inspiration, and what she enjoys most about her groundbreaking research.

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Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Journey to Churchill opens this week

July 2, 2014 — 
The magic of the north has arrived at the heart of the continent, UM Arctic research highlighted

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Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

1,000 km north of the Polar Circle: U of M’s Arctic field research

June 13, 2014 — 
"Seals are emerging on the sea ice enjoying the return of the sun."

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